No Results Pissing Me Off!!!!

How many times are you benching each week? I think you're overtraining honestly. Also, what I would do is weigh-in properly. Either do it naked or in just shorts and or/tee. Wear the same thing each time you weigh-in, that way you can get an accurate reading.
I work out only 4 times a week,using a 3 way split, so the same body part doesn't get hit more than every five days. My guess is you are working out TOO much and need to get some more rest. If you do TOO much stuff, you will hinder the size gains (but you could easily do 30 minutes of cardio a day without having any effect on size).\

PB&J is a great way to get good fats and extra cals. I still eat them and I am 40. (But not too many or I get too full to eat meat.) I usually get between 3500 and 4000 calories and I am 5"8 and 200. I try to get 350 grams of protein (well I try to get 400 grams but It is damn hard).

And you are benching a good amount. I was not quite doing that when I was in college.

I woudl also recommend mixing up your workout and making sure to hit the shoulder muscles to insure that you don't screw things up by working out too much on the bench. The SQUAT is the key exercise to do as it maximizes the amount of test in your blood. You can make your ARMS bigger just by doing squats because of this effect. I bench half of what I squat and it feels so much more satisfying to have 700 pounds on the squat than 360 on the bench.
Bump the great replies here, Malic you are doing great and I too would have been happy to be getting that much weight up on the bench at your weight at ANY AGE.

Patience little brother, it's all about patience and consistency. Keep at it and keep eating and you will shatter through this plateau in no time!
Malic- One thing I'd like to add here is the relevance of time. You need to give yourself a break. People here are not always gaining. There are times where we plateau, or even loose. I know its fustrating when you've done everything and cant see results. But it happens. Your going to have to learn more patience, and when fustrated- just look at what IS working. Your pic looks great. You have a nice vein popping out of your arm... not bad for 15! a damn good start.
EAT EAT EAT EAT.....that's how people grow, good healthy food will get you there, and rest much too...You grow in your kitchen and sleeping, not in the Gym....remember that...
Well my workout at school , It is always different each way we do the same exercises just different days. On monday We will have finished the little booklet that we train by at school and I will bring it home and tell u exactly what I do at school. But we bench 3 times a week either bench , incline , and pad bench along with other exercises. Then when I get home I do pushups to failure , Handstand pushups to failure. I go outside and bench 25lbs 100+ times to feel a good burn and feel a little swolen , on the machine I have outside. also do the butterflys 25lbs for about 25 reps. Leg extension 25lbs for about 50 reps , tricep extension 25lbs for about 50 reps.
you are seriously overtraining bro, you're hitting Chest 3 times a week at school and then coming home and hitting it again. That's WAY TOO MUCH. You are probably in more of a catabolic state than an anabolic one and no matter how much you eat and train you are only going to get weaker unless you STOP and change your routine.
So ur saying dont workout at all at home since im workin out at school? Just take the supplements and protein shakes and eat and thats it?
yeah pretty much, if you have to do the exercises in your class then do them but don't expect to be able to go heavy and get great results with only one days rest. Maybe what you could do is for instance something like this

Monday - heavy weights low volume
Wednesday - light weights low volume
Friday - light weights heavy volume

this way after the weekend you'll be fresh and ready to try and go big and heavy on Monday. Keep in mind most of us are only hitting chest once a week, maybe twice but never 3 times and expecting to make a lot of progress. Unless your training a Bulgarian program and even then you wouldn't be going heavy all of those days.

Definitely read up on some workouts and routines... you've got some more homework to do homeboy. If nothing else you're probably building awesome muscle endurance which will help you in the future.
Ok well all im going to do while im home is eat nonstop all the time and go train on the heavy bag I got outside since I havent been doing that. But well ill bring home the workout book on like monday if I can. But do you think it would be alright for me to just pushups to failure monday-friday when im home?
Just eat more and stop doing the high rep burnouts.

I trained for two years in highschool and just got ripped, but no size. I started working at a food service job and ate my weight in "free" food everyday and I couldn't stop growing. At your age and metabolism, food and rest are all you need.
Malic I am not flaming you bro, cause i was the same way at your age. You see all your buds getting bigger and stronger and you stay the same. Her are some things you may not understand bro. First and most basic rule. You can not train twice a day period. IF you burn more calories than you are eating you will NEVER get bigger or stronger because you are on a cutters diet not a bulkers diet. Also if you don't have a workout partner get one. You will be able to get stronger if your partner pushes you. Your genetics will also play a big role here. I ate like hell and worked out hard in High School my senior year. I only gained 5 fucking pounds of weight. I had to stop playing football in my sophmore year because all my friends were bigger and stronger then I. If you are not gaining strengh and size its your diet and overtraining that is to blame here. Even when I am on a cycle I never train twice a day. You should train each body part once a week. But when you train lets say chest. Train hard to a point that your chest Will need that week to recover. Trial and error my friend. Kind of like the first time when guys have sex. Not me though, my first time my girlfriend said I was Very good and the BIGGEST she had ever been with. Thats the beuty of dating midgets :D
This a very scary time when a lot of us ended up just shooting up with roids. I did when I was 16. I really wish I didnt now, nobody told me that I wouldnt grow another inch once I started. Sucks cause my dad is 6'5" and my brother is 6'7"..... I will always be small next to them.-they dont even work out.
Normal you are missing the point here bro. DATE MIDGETS cause no matter how low you are feeling you can ALWAYS look down on them. Oh and DO not use a teeter-tatter with you midget girlfried, not a good idea. So next time you guys see a midget on the street pick him up and give him a hug. lol Yeah normal i agree, every guy in my family has normal or muscular legs while mine look like a fucking flamingo with a tan. pisses me off like R-kelly :D no pun inteded