not getting caught


New member
anybody know a good cutting a/s that is in and out of the system quick? all i want to do is shred for the summer and get vascular. i'm not looking for anymore size/strength just some cuts. i'm built like a damn russian bear by genetics. vascularity is much easier in the bottle then dieting my balls off.
i've been training for 13 years and did some juice back in the day. i can not get popped in a drug test so i descretely want to shred. my routine is fine and my diet is moderate. i keep my protien intake up and low on the carbs/fat. i train hard as i can while dealing with 2 herniated discs and several old football injuries (knees, neck, back, shoulder).
I think you need to tweek you diet cardio in the morning increse water intake...eca and CLA
i know my diet could be much tighter but i need a little pick me up. i'm getting stagnent. i did all the right things. i use to be a tainer for five years and know what i'm doing in the gym. i just wanted some advice from a person other than a doctor with respects to not getting caught hitt'n the juice.
Vitamin B12 and metabolic rate

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is naturally found in food such as fish, milk and milk products, eggs, meat and poultry. Fortified breakfast cereals are another source of vitamin B12 and a valuable source for vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is important for good health, necessary for the proper digestion and absorption of foods and for normal metabolism of carbohydrates, and fat. It helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells and is needed to make DNA. Vitamin B12 is bound to the protein in food. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach releases B12 from protein during digestion. Vitamin B12 was isolated from a liver extracted in 1948 and identified as the nutritional factor in liver that prevented pernicious anemia, a deadly type of anemia characterized by large, immature red blood cells. In order to absorb the small amounts of vitamin B12 found in food, the stomach secretes intrinsic factor, a special digestive secretion that increases the absorption of vitamin B12 in the small intestine. Unlike other water-soluble nutrients, vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, kidney, and other body tissues. It can take several years before signs of the deficiency appear, all because of poor dietary intake. Vitamin B12 functions as a "methyl donor." A methyl donor is a compound that carries and donates methyl groups to other molecules, including cell membrane components and neurotransmitters. As a methyl donor vitamin B12 is involved in homocysteine metabolism and plays a critical role in proper energy metabolism, immune function, and nerve function. Therefore, vitamin B12 is clearly an added benefit for anyone wanting to lose weight, as without it, metabolism is not at its peak potential. Dosing for vitamin B12 is dependent on the age of the individual as well as if the patient is pregnant or lactating. Vitamin B12 is necessary in only very small quantities No one has ever reported clear toxicity from vitamin B12.
What kind of drug test are you worried about? Steroids don't show on standard drug tests.

But, diet and your workout are definitely key.
what's an ECA? i assume clen is clenbuterol? i'm out of the A/S loop since i'm out of college but i have a couple buddys still invovlved. they can only get winstrol, deca, cyp, sus, and maybe primabolen. what's ECA?
ucdfooboo, are you there? if so can you pm me? i don't know how to use this messenger service too well. i just wanted a few ?'s answered.
dude, there is a great function called search. Its located up above. Just click on it and most if not all of your questions could be answered in a manner of seconds...:rolleyes:
dude, loose the toughguy juice attitude man. i never used this site before. i thought everybody was here for each other since doctors are so fucked up when you question them about juice. thought we were all in the same boat. sorry to bother ya.
Clen would be a good one, especially if you just want to drop bodyfat.

Is there a reason you need it out of your system quick? Are you tested for steroids?
ECA is ephdrine, caffine, and asprin.

Ripped fuel, xenadrine, hydroxy cut, etc. are eca's.