(OFF TOPIC) Does anyone here Stumble? If So get PAID!


Staff member
Just curious if any of our members here use StumbleUpon ????

I ask because below each post we have 4 different sites that we can click. So after reading the post here you can then click on StumbleUpon and then that page on our Site here will be Automaticly Loaded to Stumbleupon, it takes HONEST TO GOD less then 10 seconds to add Pages here to StumbleUpon,

Then when people like My wife who is addicted to Stumbling can see our Site here and read many different pages.

Anyhow its a very very good way for us to advertise to people as they can put in search criteria like "Bodybuilding" and MuscleChemistry Pages will pop up

So if your a user of StumbleUpon Please Take the time to add some of our Threads/pages to StumbleUpon by clicking the link under each thread

I am also HIRING one person to do this for us and Pay per page Loaded/added to StumbleUpon. So if You are Interested in making some extra Cash. ConTact me through pm.

Thank you!

P.S. I dont know what the other links are for yet that are next to the StumbleUpon, anyone else know?
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Guess I've been living under a rock because I've never heard of this before. Sounds pretty cool, I'll definitely check it out.