On the John?


Is it just me or whenever you guys start a mass diet you shit five times a day? Just wondering if this is normal because whenever I'm eating all day I'm usually shitting all day too. I've switched things up before, made my diet cleaner and still no use. Anything you guys recommend so that I don't spend the majority of my day on the toilet? For example it was the worst when i was on this diet.

Wake up: 4 egg whites/ 4 eggs
1 1/2 cup of oats
3 Hours later: Protein bar

2 Hours later: Usually Jersey Mikes Club sub

After Workout: Gainer Shake

Dinner: Chicken or Steak/ rice
Some kind of veggie

Before Bed: Another Shake
i used to take myoplex deluxe protein shakes....30min later, i'd be blowin the ceramic off the toilet.... :moon:
You might want to consider running all that waste thru your system again - if its
going thru that fast there is probably some undigested protien you could still
utilize. Hate to waste good paid for protien!!
Seriously - like thate1 says - more in = more out
oooooooooooooooo yea man, i def hit the jon at least 3-5 times a day when im bulking man. Everyone has made good points about why so there doesnt need to be any more explanation.
Yea more in more out i figured that, I'm just gonna start bringin a bed pan wherever i go so I can shit and go back to business.
tilla52 said:
Yea more in more out i figured that, I'm just gonna start bringin a bed pan wherever i go so I can shit and go back to business.
im sure the wife will love that
Man, when I was on the Dogg Crapp diet, I was on the shitter 4-5 times a day, no shitting you.

It was rough because I'd be wiping myself so much I'd get raw. I had to start to moisten my toilet paper, then I went all out and bought the baby wipes.

It's real common.

But is it common to then eat your feces just in case some presious protein accidentaly got through? I'm jus sayin is all...

J/K, have to put the "JK." I don't want dumbass to think part of DC's diet is eating your own feces.
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Yeah people often overlook dog food as a reliable source of deadly toxins. I try to eat at least 3 cans a day. I carry around a doggy bag stuffed full of biscuits to keep my carb content up as well. I don’t even wear underwear anymore as I became very tired of always throwing them out after shitting them…so, now I just wear diapers. An added bonus to diapers is it makes your glutes look bigger and when you have one of those bloody shots the padded diaper makes for an easy and comfortable clean-up.
I am currently on a decent bulk diet and am shiting like every 2 hours. My ass is killing me by night fall. But my muscles never looked better decent trade I guess. My only fear is being stuck on a long drive and having to go on the side of the road and use a bunch of leaves HAHAHAHA I hope this never happens!!!
sandiego said:
Yeah people often overlook dog food as a reliable source of deadly toxins. I try to eat at least 3 cans a day. I carry around a doggy bag stuffed full of biscuits to keep my carb content up as well. I don’t even wear underwear anymore as I became very tired of always throwing them out after shitting them…so, now I just wear diapers. An added bonus to diapers is it makes your glutes look bigger and when you have one of those bloody shots the padded diaper makes for an easy and comfortable clean-up.

That's funny. But DC is an online trainer and a well known coach of the bulk. Do a search on "DC" or "Dogg Crapp"

He's an excellent program all in all. He put some serious weight on me. I'd plan on going back to it when all of my focus is on lifting and body building and less on sports.
jaywooly said:
It was rough because I'd be wiping myself so much I'd get raw. I had to start to moisten my toilet paper, then I went all out and bought the baby wipes.

LOL that is awesome bro. I just quit wiping it was too much of a hassle. Let it crust and chip it off right before the next batch brews.
thate1 said:
LOL that is awesome bro. I just quit wiping it was too much of a hassle. Let it crust and chip it off right before the next batch brews.

Now that is a great idea - save money on toilet paper too! How long do you have to have the raw ass before it toughens up like leather?

Anyway - I was going to post that crapping that much all day is part of the bulking cycle for sure. Stinks too! :dead: And gas - damn I have never had so much gas as I do on cycle. Wish I could figure out a way to sell it for fuel.