Orals ? what do you like ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I know we have talked about this over and over again. But, I just wanted to get an idea what you guys like and why. Im talking about all oral gear (dbol, anadrol, anavar, tbol, ect, ect) I have been doing some dbol and for the first time in a long time, it feels like real dbol. Huge pumps, that lower back pump that hurts like hell, ect, ect...all the effects (good and bad) are there. Im not a fan of oral winny, just because it kills (KILLS) my joints. I do feel like it helps in precomp phase, as I do get harder, and denser when on it. But the joints take a huge beating. Anavar, im not so sure what I can get out if it. To be honest I have only used it a few times the past couple years, and only go up to 20-25mg per day. Some guys suggest I use upward of 50-100mg per day to get results, so im still very undecided on that one. Anadrol, I use to love it back in the day. But I used it alot in 09 for nationals and I remember it made me feel like hell. But I was doing 3 of them per day (150mg) and it really took a toll on me. I got some I might do but I will only go up to 75-100mg per day for results. But, it seems to have some amazing strengh and fullness gains out if it. I look alot, ALOT fuller on it...so once I done with the dbol Im going to give it a go. Tbol, never used it in my life. Halo's makes me feel like crap, I dont like them, and just never really been on them long enough to see if they do anything for me at all. Its a really hard drug for my body. I can feel my BP go up on it when it kicks in on my very first tab I take of it. Thats all I really have done with orals, im sure there are a few more out there. but let me know what you guys like and what effects you get with them...
I've only used Anadrol, Dbol, winstrol, and Anavar. I gained nothing from them except for Dbol. I absolutely love that stuff. I have never felt so good in my life. I got pumped drinking water. The only issue I had was that it made my face fat. Now that I'm older, wiser, and married, I'm going to try it again with Nolvabloat. My results from the other orals were so bad everytime that I would swear all of them were fake. The problem with that would be that I got the Anavar and winstrol from my Dr and the guy that I gave the Anadrol to gained 30lbs in 5 weeks.
Finally found real dbol.. Lol.. Incredible at 40mg for me.. And I found var that is now my love at 50 mg day cause I fell into a good deal otherwise I couldn't afford it..
I love anadrol for bulking over dbol. For me it's mainly because I don't bloat on drol. I'm wanting to try some anavar, but I've never used it so I'm a little uneasy about it
I love anadrol for bulking over dbol. For me it's mainly because I don't bloat on drol. I'm wanting to try some anavar, but I've never used it so I'm a little uneasy about it

What do you mean uneasy? It basically makes you hard and more vascular and no super strength gain compared to dbol .. But I think it took a month to kick in .so its not cost friendly lots a time..And I've read the gains are more kept with low sides..
I've only done anadrol for the most part and it was the tits except I felt like ass and my lower back constantly hurt. Just started anavar so the jury is still out. It's a liquid and it's pretty horrible.
I love anadrol for bulking over dbol. For me it's mainly because I don't bloat on drol. I'm wanting to try some anavar, but I've never used it so I'm a little uneasy about it

msg me about anavar. easy to use and easy to bridge with. Its actually the safest oral anabolic steroid there is.

i like drol, var, and dbol...winny i like, but i get more from tren so i probably wont use it in the future
I love anadrol for bulking over dbol. For me it's mainly because I don't bloat on drol. I'm wanting to try some anavar, but I've never used it so I'm a little uneasy about it

Anavar is the safest of all orals! It was originally designed for children with growth issues. It's a great oral!
I've only used pro hormones until my current test e deca cycle. I guess M1-T which I used for the first 4 weeks would be an oral and I'd give it an A+
When I wasn't natural as I am now, my favorite stack was winny/var/halo... For strength and hardness, there was nothing like it and minimal if any sides :)
anavar i like and winstrol, the hardness and strength is the best from these combined at a little higher of a dose. 100mg/d of each
I cant seem to handle halo...Ive tried to start it a couple times, and after a week, or so...I had to stop cause of my BP felt really high...
I've only tried anadrol for oral AAS and got absolutely nothing from it!!!!! I have done a shitload of of PH/DS though and had amazing results. Superdrol, pheraplex, Xtren, and Havoc were my favorites. The best ever though in my OP prob had to be Havoc. Lean hard as fckn nail gains and talk about appetite. That shit literaly fed off of carbs. The more carbs you ate the begger, leaner, more vascular you'd get. I wish I could find some Havoc. The best PH/DS ever created!!!!!
I've only tried anadrol for oral AAS and got absolutely nothing from it!!!!! I have done a shitload of of PH/DS though and had amazing results. Superdrol, pheraplex, Xtren, and Havoc were my favorites. The best ever though in my OP prob had to be Havoc. Lean hard as fckn nail gains and talk about appetite. That shit literaly fed off of carbs. The more carbs you ate the begger, leaner, more vascular you'd get. I wish I could find some Havoc. The best PH/DS ever created!!!!!

Bro I just got 2 bottles of havoc.. It is still out there.