Pics of me Before - After - Now

how the fuck did i miss this thread....i wanna see some more updated pics....good work.
meatstick said:
fuck milk! Drugs do a body GOOD!

Are you being serious sir....if so then i suggest you rethink your plan of attack and be a little more informative and educational
Thank you guys :) :)

I have been hurting for 5 months, i stopped training. Tendinitis to my 2 shoulders, 2 knees and my 2 elbows lol ! I was overtraining.
I was depressed and loose MANY muscle.
I began again training since 10 january, after 5 months there are results ( I'm OFF ) :



Still 6 weeks of cutting ;) ;)
body2see said:
Still looking nice and lean....

Thank you

I am sure that some of your aches and pains, maybe those specific injuries are due to prolonged use of winstrol.

According to my doctor, no but may be winstrol had a function with my injuries, i don't know. But my biggest mistake was that with a cutting diet i didn't take supplements, so i had many deficiencys

And are you dehydrated or cutting water in these new pics?? Reason I ask, is with some of the striations I can see, it is usually from cutting water, diuretics, or use of HGH.

I'm a in cutting phase for 12 weeks, still 6 weeks. I'm not dehydrated or cutting water or salt ( not yet ). I have striations on my legs without it. I don't take diuretic or HGH ( not yet, lol ). All my pics are the results of my diet.

Are you currently using anything to assist you in your progress, and are you getting ready for a show??

I started yesterday a new cycle : Oxandrolone / Primobolan with T3 and Clen. On the pics i'm off for 3 months.
I have propositions for doing photos and on september i'll start striptease
:) :)
If you want, i'll post my diet with supplements
i would have to agree with body2see, IMHO its the winstrol that is giving you the aches. since jan. '04 you have been murdering your tendons with that test/winny combo. both decrease collagen synthesis and winstrol actually makes tendons bigger but more brittle. do a search here for "good read about tendons". read that and do a cycle or two with low test and high EQ...then come back and thank me later. :)
I think you have excellent proportions and conditioning but i think you lack overall thickness, maybe 10-15lbs more quality muscle in all the right places, i'd work on thickening up your back/widening it and adding more overal size to your arms as well as outer sweep to your quads. You've got a tiny bone structure to use it to your advantage, you've got some sic shoulders but i think your arms need to catch up to them a bit. Good job bro.
yes, post your diet and supp bro its always helpful for others. dammmmn great job bro.