Please post recent pics if your interested in MC sponsorship

since you asked I'll tell you why, the magazine and promoters are in it to make money and the general public is basically stupid...

give it enough time and all it will be is men's underwear model and victoria secret...this is what the general public wants and this is what sells

look at women's fitness, that is basically a thing of the past because the promoters can put more asses in the seats with bikini's and high heels than they can flips and cart wheels-BUT who works harder??? (not trying to take anything away from the figure and bikini girls) BUT the fitness girls do the same as they do with a routine on top of it (I wanna see anyone here try to jump six feet in the air and land in the splits when your body is depleted!)

same thing with women's BB, it's hard enough for the guys to do it, but try to flex and put on a show and now have to worry about your make up and hair on top of the carb depleting and sodium loading...

why don't they make a reality show about women's bodybuilding instead of some fat 500lbs slob trying to loose weight, bodybuilding is something that takes years...being a fat pig anyone can do and become a celebrity in the process

I love your response! It is kinda like kicking the wall even talking about what is happening with bodybuilding. I am well aware that there are not as many fans of fbb as male bb or bikini or figure for that matter. It is nice however when I run across people who like it. At the end of the day however you have to train and compete because that is what you love to do. I never went into this thinking I would become rich from it, I just love to do it and if some people don't like it I don't care. The gym is the only place that I have ever felt truly comfortable. LOL at the underwear and victoria's secret comment. Only problem with that is if they put the physique guys in undies they will have to train their legs, better for them in board short.
Hopefully Jenn remains active on here. The only thing more impressive than her physique is here compelling personality and incredible amount of knowledge. She is very personable and friendly and has very thick skin. She is a model for the bodybuilding community. As you can see, I am a big fan of hers.

I am a big fan of the dude's as well. He and his wife are my husband and I's absolute favorite people!

got a question for ya...for some of the top girls, they get into tip top shape, I mean they get leaner and grainy than some of the guys...would you say its diet (some girls just diet harder, cause size isnt everything) or would it be less overall drugs, and hormones to mess with (guys use way more than needed to get into shape, so estrogen levels are higher, ect?) or just plain that girls are willing to do more cardio, ect...what do you think it is...again congrats on your placing this past year....keep at it your card is around the wishes...

Hmmmm... Hard to say as I can only speak for my own experience. Size is important in fbb but conditioning is key for both fbb and bb. And you would be shocked at the size of the cycles the women do. I have seen very dedicated men and women who compete so I don't think it really has anything to do with that. I believe when it all comes down to it, did you stick to your diet (THE WHOLE 20 weeks) exactly, did you take your supplements exactly, did you do your cardio exactly how you were supposed to. The last show I had an excellent trainer I never questioned anything from her and did exactly as I was told. For the Florida state I was not in near as good condition and I did not do exactly what I should of. So for me personally that is what I know to be the difference. I do have to agree however that guys use way more than they need to. You also have to come off for your health and also for your receptors. You are not going to be a goodbodybuilder without kidneys and a liver. Not picking on the guys the girls do it to, I used to be one of them. Thanks for the well wishes.