Possibly a bi-polar girlfriend...

5 days and I have not talked to her, but she called me 3 times yesterday private #, and 3 times @ 3 in the morning, but no message... i am trying to ignore her but it sux...

FYI... i won the chest contest wednesday ($300)
Got really drunk... over used my pimp card and resulted in getting numbers but left solo... and then drunk called my ex, left drunk message but no response...

plan for tonight...
1. use pimpcard
2. not going to get as wasted (well try not to)
3. not call ex (again, try not to)
4. put a charge on my pimpcard ("pimpcard" if its not expired that is)
Missfit said:
Men seem to pick the most inopportuned time to mess with us...LMAO! ;) (I'm gonna get creamed for this one I'm sure...)

Yeah from the time they wake up till they fall asleep
I can't say for u but I am too old for the mind game crap. We would not put up with that shit from a guy who is our buddy -- so why the hell do we put up with it from women?

I had a female I was with that was bi-polar. She was a stripper that looked like Carmen Electra, fucked like a champ, made a ton of money and liked girls BUT, she was fucking nuts. I used to tap her here and there. With her you never knew what mood she was in! Once we were fuckin' and she just starts crying and then gets pissed and starts screaming at me for absolutely no reason at all. I was afraid to have her suck me off because I thought she was gonna flip out and bite my dick!

I broke it off with this chick and after that she ended up stabbing her friend with a fork and getting caught by the cops and doing 3 years in the pin!

long story short if you think she bi-polar be careful!
no offense

No offense to anyone..... I think I am bi-polar at times but maybe its just mood swings from the J!

Hard to tell sometimes.

Bipolar can be cool :)

Bi-polar=that means she uses both ends of the pole!
Bi-Polar is a general psychiatric term meaning you have a mental illness that that is episodic, or that is sometimes on and sometimes off, I think its most often used to descript people with Major Depressive or Schizophrenic episodes, most chicks are very left brained and chicks approach logic differently than the male brain making them seem odd to us at times and in turn we seem to think odd to them.

Sometimes the females brain and approach to logic can be conditioned to be neurotic but not actually bi-polar. My girls mom insists every large item of trash be wrapped individually in separate expensive garbage bags before being set by the curb, if 2 items are in the same bag or the bags are high enough quality she freaks out and gets mad. She's not crazy she's just a littlie neurotic.

Isn't that similar to obsessive compulsive disorder?

That's deep bro.

Do you ever hide the good trash bags from her?
Oh yeah and no that's not OCD, OCD people usually have low serotonin activity in the brain and they have symptoms like chronically washing their hands so much so that they crack and bleed from dryness but still they keep washing them, the most common OCD symptom is picking, where OCD people pick every scab and small pore in their skin making it look like a rash, regular people do this too when they haven't gotten enough sleep or done something else to depress the brain, only rarely have a seen people with extreem OCD that feel compelled to do very bizarre things over and over like count to 40 out loud before walking through a doorway, but when they get there thats boderline psychotic and like I said rare.