protein formula


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
hey bros wantin to get some advice im completely out of protein gonna order from trueprotein what formula do you think i should get. basically im just trying to put on more muscle and drop body fat. I dont know a hole lot about bcaa's and blends of different proteins anybody got any advice for me thanks.
Gbart said:
hey bros wantin to get some advice im completely out of protein gonna order from trueprotein what formula do you think i should get. basically im just trying to put on more muscle and drop body fat. I dont know a hole lot about bcaa's and blends of different proteins anybody got any advice for me thanks.

i dont order from them, but what will you primarily be using it for?

As a meal replacement (MRP)?
As a post workout shake?
As a pre-bedtime meal?

Depending what you use it for, will determine what you make it with. I could help a little if I knew what you needed it for, but not much after that. (i.e. post workout shake should be whey protein, MRP should be a blend) I figured this could help someone else answer you though.
yeah i did some research and i just got 5 pounds of miceller casien and 5 of isolate gonna take the casien before bed and in mornings and the isolate during the day pwo and shit. thanks dreww for the reply bro.
There is a protein formula which is designed specially for that, and I am talking about synthepure. 96%pure protein. Excuse me now but I am going to prepare one form myself, my muscles are screaming for food!:D
Gbart said:
yeah i did some research and i just got 5 pounds of miceller casien and 5 of isolate gonna take the casien before bed and in mornings and the isolate during the day pwo and shit. thanks dreww for the reply bro.
good choice, I try to keep mine separate. I dont really like liquid meals, but I have one mrp product and then just use whey for post workout. wish entire whole food meals came that easy.
Gbart sounds good
you can also design a killer pwo shake from true protein too