protein only before bed.


New member
I'm super busy all the time and don't really have time to fit in all my meals on some days.  This is especially important for me right now because i'm dieting for a show in july.  I was wondering if i could or should take a protein shake before bed with no carbs to make sure i'm reaching my macronutrient requirements.  I don't really see there being a problem with this i just want some piece of mind.  ya know eating then going right to bed just doesn't feel right to me. Am i just being paranoid. help me out please bro's
I drink a low carb protien shake before I go to bed, and I get up in the middle of the night to drink one also.  So, yes, I think you should drink a shake before bed!!! Later
before bed is fine but not if its the only time during the day when ur tasking it wich is how u made it sound, the most optimal time is actualy prior to work outs
Admin could you talk more about this.  I have always taken a shake after my workout, but never before.  Should you drink a low carb protien shake or one with carbs.  Also how long before the workout do you take it.
Night time is perfect for adding protien,IMO. When bulking I usually do one before bed,1am,4am.For cutting i skip the 1am/4am shakes. Just premix 'em and down them when your pissing ;)
As far as workout shakes go,after reading some recent articles on muscle growth,I've been taking a MRP type shake about 45 minutes prior to workout,then sipping on 40g whey during workout(no carb/no fat),followed by 50G whey with carbs for insulin spiking immeadiatly post workout and then a "clean" meal of real food within 1 hour of finishing up at the gym. I've made some good gains since doing it like this. For cutting I skip the preworkout MRP and take ECA/water instead but keep everything else the same.
no i don't just take it before bed.  I have a constant supply of protein throughout the day.  i take a shake before and after training, plus what i eat in my meals.
Bulldog, that's a great thing to bring up because alot of us have that problem...not enough time!  I always have some form of protein before bed, usually a shake, but sometimes I'll eat 10 egg whites.   Sometimes I'll take a teaspoon of peanut butter too! (hey, there's good fat in there!) Don't worry about the calories before bedtime.  It wouldn't be good to give that advice to most people, but anyone training for bodybuilding and on that type of diet should be spreading out their intake, including a meal before bed.  

Think about it...8hrs while you sleep IS A LONG FUCKING TIME TO GO WITHOUT FOOD...imagine doing 8 hours w/o food during the day!  So, if you eat dinner at say 6:00PM and don't eat again until 6:00am the next day, THAT'S 12 HOURS!  If you're training hard, that's a long time to go without a protein supply.  Wanna guess where your body is getting all those aminos from to rebuild those microtears you made?  It decides which muscle tissue will BE FED, and which will BE FEED.  Catabolism sucks!  Weeks of work destroyed in HOURS!

Sorry to ramble...the moral of the story is...
....It's a good thing to eat before bed, and if you can, it's even better to have a protein snack during the course of the night.