Pulled My Left Bicep Muscle Fascia


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
3 weeks ago I pulled my muscle fascia in my left bicep. Did arms as usual and the next morning, nothing. Just a little sore. The next day it started bruising. The pics speak for themselves. 3 weeks later it is finally starting to go away. I took 2 weeks off from all puls. Now, I'm back to normal. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this....
I got a bicep strain they did a ultrasound to check for tear n blood clots, they where none. So they scheduled me with a specialist, still waiting July 16. But my arm bruise in spots. And for two wks bruises kept coming in different areas. I stop lefting besides my legs. But don't have full range of motion yet. So plz keep me posted on ur recovery am trying to figure this out two
Mine really never hurt Brother. A little sore to the touch in one spot about the size of a quarter on the inside towar my elbow at the bend. Other than that, I had no pain or limited range of motion. Doc said to not do any pulling exercises for 2 weeks, but that I could do any pushing exercise I wanted as long as there was no pain. Gave me some steroid cream for the bruising and told me to take an anti-inflamatory like Advil.
2 weeks to the day I did arms again and it was fine. Been back pushing and pulling now for a solid week and its all good...
I was hoping seeing these pics would ease your mind a little Brutha!! Funny thing is that it didnt hurt a bit. Didn't know I even did anything and if it werent for the bruise, I would have just lifted as usual...

Good luck on Monday buddy. In the meantime, Ibuprofen 600mg 2-3 times a day will help with that inflamation on your elbow. As well as ice 2-3 times a day for 10-15 min buddy.

And, we want to see some progress pics...Damn it!! LOL
These doctors out here are dumb. Am not in pain unless I try to fully extend my arm then it's a discomfort pain. But. Two wks out still have bruising. The swelling is all gone but dont have full range yet. How long this usually last.
Not sure how long of a duration its gonna be. I didn't expect mine to stay bruised for 3 weeks, but here I am...
Damn bro, that looked like it was hella painful! Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as it appeared and you're all healed up.

tap'n on my S5
Exact same story with my calf. The bruise is still there, but slowly improving. It was pretty damn big. I still continued to hammer them 4-5 times a week though and no issues
VERY COOL looking bruses. I would be wearing some short sleeves showing them off, I love to see peoples reactions. lol