
i wanna buy riptropin but are 2 websites .com and . net. i text to both of them but i got the answer just from .net.
hmm, just be careful guys. GH is dangerous. It can help, but hurt in same time.

I'm on rip for 8 months and having problem with carpal tunnel syndrome. If it's not go away, i will need surgery to get rid of it.

I just stopped taking it this Monday for a while.

So be careful. It's good servant, but a bad master.
If anyone could PM me the redacted source info for Rip I would be eternally grateful. I've been scammed once and I'm going for due diligence this time around. Any info regarding your experience with this source would be even better.

Many Thanks,

on rips over a year.

Now, running once a day, 1.5 IU before bed.

Get tested for IGF-1

Here is the result.
Has anyone used riptropin ? And you did what is your thoughts? I got this buddy that has only been using 2ius a day and said he has gained 10lbs of good clean weight ?in 2months! He also is been on hrt test for awhile so it can't be the test. Could it just be strong igf?

Riptropin is notorious for water retention. His weight gain is definitely from the riptropin. I love rips as they are way over dosed, and one of the only chinese brands these days that isn't bunk. You can't go wrong with rips. I run 6-10ius per day and the results are quite impressive.
on rips over a year.

Now, running once a day, 1.5 IU before bed.

Get tested for IGF-1

Here is the result.
that is a very impressive number for 1.5 iu. On 10iu daily i am around 800 but there are so many factors that can play into igf scores. I know lipitor and crestor make the number sky high and an abundance of certain fats also increase it dramatically.

Without a doubt though, if my serostim connect ever fell through, rips are the only gh that i would honestly use.
Don't post awesome rips results, they are good and need to be kept secret so scum bags do not fake theM! --- its only a matter of time til these are faked and copied and it will be russian roulette again!! lol
