Run or Walk??


New member
I started doing 30-45 min. of cardio in the morning to try and start losing some bf. Is it better to run or walk???
Plus, it's very tough to build huge quads if you're running 45 minutes 4 days a week.

And for me, I developed shin splints by starting out too fast.

I bump a walk at a brisk pace.
I would say either longer duration, lower ********* (like 65% max HR) or shorter, higher intenisty (75-85% of max), or switch between them.

I prefer the latter, just like my weight training.....get in, hit it hard and fast, get out.

Just like w/ women :D j/k
I have to go with walking at a brisk pace if I'm choosing between that and running. My knees just don't like running--too much impact. When I do cardio, I do cycling at a lower ********* at first then I'll go to a high ********* burst. I alternate between them for about 15 minutes.
Side note...why does the forum block out the word inten sity?
i'm am not sure if this is true or not, but i heard that once your body reaches a high enough heart rate(say from high ********* running) your body starts to burn muscle instead of fat? Is this true? All i want to do is a cardio program to go along with my diet and weight training that will help me reduce my bodyfat. Also, is doing two different sessions of cardio( once in the morning and once at night) bad for you? Any suggestions or comments would be helpful
I believe that DIET determines if you burn more fat or more muscle......more so than cardio.