SARMS YK11 Comparison to LGD 4033 Ligandrol. Female Follistatin Production. Myostatin


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What is YK11?

(17α,20E)-17,20-[(1-methoxyethylidene)bis-(oxy)]-3-oxo-19-norpregna-4,20-diene-21-carboxylic acid methyl ester (YK11), which the myogenic differentiation of C2C12 myoblast cells is induced by the novel androgen receptor (AR) partial agonist. as well as by dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

YK11 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), which activates AR without the N/C interaction. In this study, we further investigated the mechanism by which YK11 induces myogenic differentiation of C2C12 cells. The induction of key myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs), such as myogenic differentiation factor (MyoD), myogenic factor 5 (Myf5) and myogenin, was more significant in the presence of YK11 than in the presence of DHT. YK11 treatment of C2C12 cells, but not DHT, induced the expression of follistatin (Fst), and the YK11-mediated myogenic differentiation was reversed by anti-Fst antibody.

Myogenic differentiation is in reference to the products ability to block myostatin. Myostatin inhibition has been a really popular movement since the ban of most prohormones as it looks to be a relatively unexplored area for muscle growth and fat loss. There are currently a lot of claims about mystatin inhibition, but not so much factual data on these products. YK11 will have similar affects to DHT (possibly more potent) without the negatives of DHT. What this means is that the product will most likely be suppressive and require a post cycle, but not cycle support. It also won’t have androgenic side affects like hair loss, acne, etc. The increase in follistatin caused byYK11 will act as an antagonist to mystatin (it will block myostatin) as well as the anabolic growth properties of YK11.

How it works?

Animal Research:
In direct comparison to to LGD-4033 as the reference for assay upon animal models of anabolism and androgenicity, YK-11 demonstrated higher efficacy withing anabolic parameters and lesser androgenicity at equivalent dosages.

It induces muscle cells to make more follistatin which is a strong myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin (also known as growth differentiation factor 8, is a myokine (protein) produced by muscle cells that acts on muscle cells to inhibit myogenesis. Myogenesis is muscle cell growth and differentiation. Research through the years show that when you block myostatin, it allows for significantly more muscle mass. So in research myostatin inhibitors are researched to find cures for muscle diseases.

We expect YK11 to be more potent than SARM LGD in terms of overall growth and feel. At this time, we expect this to be the strongest SARM on the market at a regular dosing. While suppression can occur, we expect this product to have low androgenic properties and can be used by both men and women. From our experience with SARMs, we find there are less losses of on-cycle results than pro-hormones, although typically not as potent. We do expect this product to have similar results as a moderately dosed Halodrol, without the alpha-male/androgenic feelings while on it.

Dosages and Suggestion

Recommended maximum dose YK11 is require dosages of 2.0-5.0mg b.i.d. in males and 0.5mg-2mg b.i.d. in females to achieve optimal effects in humans for the noted indications.

What Do Peptides & SARMS DO?

Depending on your specific cycle goals, the ratings below for each SARM, Peptide, Growth Hormone, secretatogue or Factor will and can Vary.

4 of 10acts by entering nucleoside pools, significantly increasing levels of adenosine during periods of ATP breakdown
7 of 10
medical prescription for prevention of cachexia, atrophy, and sarcopenia and for Hormone or Testoserone Replacement Therapy.
5 of 10
A growth hormone secretagogue, treatment of obesity, a promising therapy for the treatment of frailty in the elderly
7 of 10
pharmacological profile similar to that of enobosarm, Ostarine,MK-2866
7 of 10For obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease
7 of 10partial agonist, intended mainly for treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy

under development at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), increases the level of metabolic activity in skeletal muscles of mice

For obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease
5 of 10
New generation for gaining mass and cutting edges
7 of 10a SARM and myostatin inhibitor in one
5 of 10
Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-2
5 of 10
Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-6
3 of 10Thymosin beta 4
IGF-1 Lr310 of 10
IGF-1 is the main growth factor produced from HGH. Unparalleled for everything from adding Lean Muscle Mass, to shedding bodyfat. The Holy Grail / Fountain of Youth

I will take all of the 7 and above items thank you very much lmao!
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I tried yk11. I tore my shoulder and pec area not muscles but tendons while on it. Coincidence maybe but information I found on it says it can weaken tendons. I got a good pump working out on it. I stayed lean I did feel great. Yk11 was dosed at 6mg per day. Regardless of my injury all my tendons are good right now rad140 was good for anavar type hardening, lgd good for kick start, ostarine added another 5 lbs to my cycle, Gw did long ago at 5 mg a day nobody had dosed higher yet. Gw made me an animal at gym supersetting without getting tired to fatigue the muscle.
I tried yk11. I tore my shoulder and pec area not muscles but tendons while on it. Coincidence maybe but information I found on it says it can weaken tendons. I got a good pump working out on it. I stayed lean I did feel great. Yk11 was dosed at 6mg per day. Regardless of my injury all my tendons are good right now rad140 was good for anavar type hardening, lgd good for kick start, ostarine added another 5 lbs to my cycle, Gw did long ago at 5 mg a day nobody had dosed higher yet. Gw made me an animal at gym supersetting without getting tired to fatigue the muscle.
I have read several logs on yk11. Many of them ended suddenly due to injurys. Maybe it is a coincidence but even the ones that finished t he logs didn't seem amazing. I was excited to give it a run but decided against it after reading the logs. I'm not as concerned about the possibility of injury (although maybe I should be) as I am the underwhelming results
I was afraid to run the yk11 because of all I read up on it with weakening tendons. Gave dht effect but tendon deal freaked me out. Still pushed through 6 week run not benching to test waters. Tendons healed and started getting better right after discontinued. Myostatin suppression wasn't enough if that is really what was going on. Don't even research it anymore. Wasn't cool.