seafood during a cutter



I am not tired of tuna yet but I am getting fed up with fish. I eat alot of Salmon,Halibut, talapia, mahimahi. So I was wondering how good is shrimp. Cause I love that stuff. I would just add a tea spoon of extra virgin olive oil and cook it. I don't add any butter, salt, pepper or any other crap. Would that be ok to substitute for fish?
I wouldn't think it has the same amount of protein as fish--I have some in the freezer--I'll check when I get home.
I like imatation crab meat myself but I feel bad about all the baby imatation crabs they have to kill
Well, i dont think that shrimp has the healthy fats that you find in salmon. How can you be tired of eating fresh salmon?
shrimp has alot of cholesterol yes but your body doesnt store most ingested cholesterols instead it makes cholesterol out of saturated fats

and if youre drinking enough water a little salt wont hurt you and pepper shouldnt even matter
I wouldn't overdo it with the shrimp they are scavengers and probably have more toxins and mercury stored in them. Not a big deal once a week but I wouldn't eat them more than that as a source of protein
so shrimp are a bunch of dirty mother Fu#$ers with high cholesterol!! lol
As far as how can I get tired of Salmon. If you have the same thing every day whether its for breakfast,lunch or dinner. Your bound to get tired of it.
Shrimp? If you are looking for the protein benefits, Shrimp is your answer...
Although Loaded with Iodine and mercury (the mercury not being a huge amount)
But Tuna has mercury so who knows... You are supposed to only eat 6oz per week of Tuna
to be safe from toxic levels of mercury... I know I eat an assload more than 6oz
Anyways, another good thing you could eat is Immitation Carbmeat as above stated..
Made from the fish called a "Pollock", it's pretty damn good... Not so smart, but good... lol...
Catfish is another good fish to eat... ofcourse baked, broiled or grilled not fried...
Stay away from Sword fish.. It has shitloads of Mercury... One of the highest level edible fish along with Pike... I wont touch either one....
I'll stick to the Tuna and Turkey!
Im not gonna lie... but when I saw this thread topic I thought it was going to be about something like "Im on the seafood diet! When I see food, I eat it." or something like that... LOL
Imitation crab meat? No shit huh. I can handle that stuff. 6oz of tuna per week? That's funny. For a while as I am sure a lot of other guys do, I was eating 6 oz per day, five days per week.
but what is the nutritional value of imitation crab meat. Don't they have to put dye on it too?
This is for canned crab, still looking for imitation crab meat.
CRABMEAT, CANNED 1 CUP 3Fat 135Cals 1Carbs 23Protein
mace said:
Imitation crab meat? No shit huh. I can handle that stuff. 6oz of tuna per week? That's funny. For a while as I am sure a lot of other guys do, I was eating 6 oz per day, five days per week.

yeah it is pretty funny considering most of us are probably eating 60 oz a week and not 6oz... I'm sitting at my desk right now polishing off a 3oz tuna pouch
Bro, i eat the same thing ED for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the other 4 meals throughout the day that I eat. I just deal with it, thats how i do it. No one said proper nutrition is fun but if your dedicated you'll follow it.
Lobster, scallups and oyesters have very minimal carbs (1-4 per serving). Everything else is zero. Most fishes you're looking at 20+ grams of protein per serving, plus its protein is quikly digested. Fat is generally low, with exception to cafish and makeral and most salmons. So yes, seafood is great.

Watch the colesteral like someone else said, especially shrimp
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