Shorter cycles better gains or not??


New member
I guess I'm asking cuz I read in Musclar Development the RoidFreak had an article stating 4-6 week cycles are better
giving the body a month to recover then hit it again. He stated better results and more gains are kept this way.

Was wondering what Big A , Presseer and you bro's also Mods on the board thought. MM :confused:
I don't know but I also don't know about M&F. If you notice they have a bunch of people all tell you different things. Did you see that back workout by Arnold? Do you think thats a little overworking your back? Dude said he would work back for like 3 hours several times a week. Yet other bodybuilders work 3 muscle groups in an hour. But I would think the cycle thing would only be with orals mostly if it is true.
I tend to keep most of my gains from longer cycles. I tend to lose more from short cycles. That's just my experience however.
I know what you guys are saying. I too have gotten best gains and kept them with a longer cycle. But then in some ways it makes sence to me. Little here a little there. Just like a sculpture. Work at it alittle with the best tools(gear) and take a brake and look at the work and start again with some more or different tools. You see where I'm coming from????
That's been discussed before. Short High dosage cycles for a month or so.

I honestly don't think it would work as well though. I tend to believe that your body needs to adapt to it's new body weight otherwise it's going to shed the excess lbs. With the high dosage short duration cycles your body never really has a chance to adapt.

But...again I've never tried this approach so be my guest as I would like to see a log of progress using this method.
If its short esters I buy 6-8 wk cycles, makes the same sense as a 12wk enanthate cycle really. I've had a real good experience with my last shic, but not sure I would do every cycle that way.
I agree the body needs time to adapt also. Your muscles can only grow so fast and alot of that weight during the short cycles is most likely nutrient density .. Another problem i have with short cycles is that alot of guys go 4 weeks and take 4 weeks off just to go back on again. well i don't believe natural test will completely recover and that can be a problem in the long run. For some guys,maybe even alot of guys,it can almost be like never coming off,as far as natural test goes. I used to think about short cycles mainly because i wanted fast results with the shorter acting gear,but then i just realized hypertrophy takes time and i do not believe 4 weeks is enough. I not only prefer long cycles now,i prefer cycles at least 12 weeks in length