Should the NPC get rid of the posing routine at night shows?


MuscleChemistry member
I say this in the fairness of the competitors. If all the fans, friends, and family miss the pre judge, then all they get to see is some 60 sec routine and thats it. I would say do all the mandatory poses in a line up at least again, and so the people can really see the competitors side by side and pose for pose.

what you think? I mean lets face it, 99% of the routines to music suck!
Yes as a competitor and a judge, I've sat almost slept thru sooo many routines done by entry level BB's who have no chance of winning....I respect their efforts they are all winners, but as Nuk said, most are akin to watch paint dry. I mean how many variations of the crab most muscular can you do???

Maybe the top 5 in each class??
the whole group/class should get an open 30 seconds as a group individual routines...they say routines are used for tiebreakers, but in all the years i've been around i've never seen a scorecard reflect it
For the reasons Nuk mentioned, I agree. I've seen some REALLY awesome routines, but its like 1% or less
When I competed I absolutely hated doing the posing routines. I never enjoyed them and I never used all 60 seconds. I just always had the mentality that since it's not judged, why should I take it seriously
Leave the posing routines to the top level Pros who people want to really look at. I am dreading this part