Shredded 4 comp.

lmao, pretty safe bet but will be impressive none the less if your correct! Now Bend a spoon with your mind !!
Yes I'm bumping the hell out of this thread if that happens. But, on a serious note, waging that this thread going full retard wasn't too much of a risk.
lmao, thats a safe bet on 50% of threads here lmao,
I guess it is hard because we have so many new people come in and ask stupid questions like 'can I start running enanthate the last two weeks of a cycle.' I have nothing against questions or new people, but do a little research first at least.

And then the guys who are like I want to get bigger and stronger and leaner at the same time, but won't take any advise drive me nuts. I swear I've had this exact conversation at least 5x:
Guy: I want to get bigger and leaner at the same time and eat carbs all day long and I weigh 155lbs soaking wet.
Me: Ok carb cycle - it's the best way to recomp.
Guy: Fuck you what I'm doing works.
Me: Obviously not because you're 155.

me at 5' 7" 217lbs Ummmm whats the issue? 5'4" 180lbs sounds good and im not 1 in 100 far from it!

- - - Updated - - -

oh yeah thats my angry look
mmmm! Sounds delicious! I have been a naughty one with my diet today. lol. Be making up for that for a few days.
I'm slowly dropping calories to transitions into cutting... I want to get my shoulder looked @ b4 my cycle bc it's impacting my intensity.
</br> My plan tho is Test P 450mg Anavar 100mg & proviron 100-150mg for 8 weeks. I will have tren but don't think I'm ready, many say to wait til ur 5th cycle or something?
</br> NPP would be a nice addition I agree I might add it. I'm am focusing on cut separation & that lean asthstic look. I refuse to start a cycle b4 I get my shoulder looked @ and my diet in place. What's the point of AAS & training w/o a diet geared to your goals? My buddy uses aas but looks like shit ( for a BBer) 5'9 219 24% bf... He's done 2 or 3 cycles and "They didn't work" He gained size bc he was 240... but his meals consisted of fast food & his w/o consisted of talking on the phone & 1 hour of cardio.
</br> I've never really cut before... Sure in hell never for a comp. Believe me when I say I want to do this right!
</br> Any advice will be helpful! And I wkll continue to do my homework bc there's quite a bit to learn & do w/ comps I see.
</br> I do not wanna half ass my cut.