Sorry been sick this week.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Sorry guys, I have just been sick this past week. I think with the weather change, and all...the travel and just change in everything...I have been down and out. I have been coming home from work, just getting ready for the next day, then going to bed. So I hardly have been online at all...But, Im feeling better now, and will get some new post, and try to learn this damn now picture attch. so I can post new pics...and start my prep for my shows next year...

I hear ya Bro. I don't want to jinx myself, but I rarely go 3 months without a good few days of being sick
In the same boat...I got sick a couple of days ago and just trying to get better. I hate getting sick. Luckily it only happens once or twice a year, but its just terrible. I feel like I turn into a big baby and can't cope. lol.