
TomSizeMore said:
just under 7% BF

I've been running a real clean cutter for the last 8 weeks and the holidays didn't interfere too much. I'm very happy with my progress. in just under 9 months I have gained over 50lbs of lean body mass and lost 16% BF. Started out at 265lbs at 22% BF.

The math is right for sure. But what you're saying is that you turned 50lbs of fat into 50lbs of muscle in 9 months?

How are you measuring your BF%? If you go with the old BF calipers you could be 4% under or over the reading.

I saw your pics (14 weeks in), you made one hell of a progress. My buddy is just like you and I showed him you as an example as, "see, if you've been there before, you can get there again - you know what it takes and have gone thru your trial and errors...."

But what you posted above is impossible, quite frankly. You pics in a couple of weeks would be a great tool for you/us to really get a grasp of the situation.

You make amazing progress, that's a given. But above it too amazing. It would be tough to put 50lbs of actual muscle tissue on anyone is years, let alone months.

Keep up the progress though and keep pushing. A few weeks left is always my favorite time of any cutting cycle.
body2see said:
The math:
265 @ 22% bf= about 55-60 lbs of fat
205lbs of muscle

To drop 16% of that bodyfat, would be to lose 45 pounds of fat, this would put you at 215 pounds. To return to 262 pounds would mean a clean gain of 47 pounds of "pure muscle"...and this in 9 months??

I guess the only possibility for this to exist is a massive intake of gear, HGH, etc..etc...If this is true, I would get some major bloodwork done, make sure you are o.k, healthwise.

Otherwise, I look forward to seeing some pics, those are exceptional claims.

I know it sounds insane, but keep in mind, coming out of high school I weighed in at my first day in college football weighing 303lbs and I wasn't anymore than 18% BF at that time. So I've been here before. Honestly, I haven't missed a beat in the last almost 9 months now. Not one day has been off from what i had scheduled. Not one missed workout and yes, there has been large amounts of HGH, Slin, IGF-1, and AAS in the mix.

Blood work is checking out clean. I thank Sythetek for making quality products and keeping my liver values low.

My goal is to compete at 270lbs or greater early in 07'. I need to put some more weight into my legs, I have recently found out I grow off of high reps (20 or more) in my legs.

Thanks for the props, it makes me want to work harder. I have to eat now! lol
Bro No Flame Inteneded But It Is Impossible To Gain 50 Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass In 9 Months , For Any Human Being On Our Palnets, Not Trying To Start A Fued Here But But What Ur Saying Just Cant Happen Period, For Anyone Anywhere, Post Your Pics Bro, And If Your The Montser That Your Should Be With The Stats You Have Listed Then I Iwll Be First To Kiss Your Ass And Eat Shit,and Apologize, Some Guys Look Fantastic On Stage At Just Under 7% Wwhich You Claim To Be And At 6'4 262lbs, You Should Look Like A Giant Ripped Freak, Ready To Walk On Stage In A Week Or 2 If Not Today, As Some Guys Look Great At Just Under 7% And Win Big Shows,

You Have To Post Pics Bro With Claims Like That, And Again I Will Be The First To Apologize If Your Pics Back Up Your Current Claims, But Your Pics Have To Be Current As Well, Not Weeks From Now, As Much As I Hate To Say This Do To Our Fued In The Past And Not Wanting To Stir Up Any Old Shit Which For Me Is In The Past, But I Have To Say No Way Bro, Not Becuase Its You But Becuase It Cant Be Done By Any Human Bieng, 5-10 Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass Gains In 1 Year Is A Fantastic Leap But 50lbs Lean Muscle In 9 Months, I Have To Say I Have To See Pics For Such Claims Bro

this is actually making me feel really good about the progress I have made. I've been posting pics all along and there are pics of me at 250lbs from a few weeks ago where I was below 9% BF already posted. No worries, like I said it actually makes me feel even better about the progress I've made.
I thought I'd already posted these a few weeks back, but just in case here they are again. This is at about 257lbs just under 9%.
wow this is good, tom not to call bullshit on this, well yeah actually I think b.s. has to be called and a flag thrown. holy hell, instead of telling us this, why didn't you just say that you were abducted as a child by a mexican E.T. then warped to some parallel universe, meanwhile the entire time stopping off in east germany through a space time contiuum, so that you wouldn't age, then come back take pictures do it again, prbably flame me a little for this, eat a chicken breast, slay goliath, take down the roman empire (yeah I know historians have screwed you by not giving you the credit) then do it all again. I mean that is a little more believable than, these stats, and how did you go three inches. To say this and that you were on slin, gh, and aas needs to be corrected, you are slin, gh, and aas, shit bro. If I saw you in person, I would just order 2,000 syringes, tie you down, I know I would have to bring more rope than planned because at the rate you claim, I'll need a foot of rope every five minutes for the 10 lbs of "lean muscle" you keep putting on every day, stick them all in you, pull out and have enough to supply the entire armed forces for any war we might face for the next 10 years. Seriously the damage that this kind of exagerration does is that though just about anyone who know a nickel of what they are talking about will know this is impossible, but you'll have those who believe it and then expect the same gains putting their health at risk by taking insane amounts, or getting pissed at sponsors and supporters saying that he gained 252 lbs. of lean muscle why did I only gain 5? then they want to say "I got sold bad shit" so then sponsors take hell, prices and availiblity get harder and everyone pays in the end. That's just pretty irresponsible, and what the hell are you talking about with finephysique and his lats, look if you're going to make unbelievable claims at least get some super imposed pics ready, cause you know everyone would call you on it. sorry if I've pissed some of you off, hopefully ya'll know to be the type that never starts a fire, but this one was rediculous, maybe this was just meant to be put in the "hall of shame" category or something and I don't have a sense of humor, if so sorry I'll read the funnies this sunday in the paper who knows, maybe I'll look through some more of it and see sizemore in the super heroes comics 6'6, 363.34 lbs, -2.7% bf
Keep it coming. It's just fuel for the fire at this point. i'm sorry if you weren't born with the same genetics as I was but I think it's clear in the last two picks I posted (from over 5 weeks ago) that I have been progressing all along.

I'm not sure what your accusing me of here. Is it streatching the timeline? If so, I can point you to the first board that I started posting on when I was getting back into the game. everything is documented date for date on that site.
stretching the timeline hell I think you're injecting the poor time line also, I'm glad your fire is burning and all, as I've always tried to be supportive of everyone who has questions or comments on this board, but show some pics, and ip is right have a paper wiith you, maybe a publid notar also, ripley's I don't know who else, but you have to show some proof if you are going to say this, like whoever said it above, i think it was press, do this and prove it, hell, I'll hold a press conference to say that I'm a jack ass and for the most part am completely worthless, but not even the best genetics or amount of juice will support your claims sorry
Sorry bro, I really wasn't out to prove anything to anybody but myself. That is why I'm reluctant to get into competitions. I do this solely for the love of the sport. I wake up thinking about the meals that I am going to eat and the workout I am going to get in. i go to sleep dreaming about my next bulker and where I want to be. This is my life! My first day in the gym was exactly April 25th 2005, Christmas marked exactly 8 months that I had been lifting in over 4 years. I am 100% enthralled in this sport!

Again, I don't know what type of gains can be expected and I only posted my stats in the "STATS" thread becuase I was proud of my progress. Other than that, I really don't have a care in the world whether you or anyone else believes if I've made the progress I claim to have made. But I will provide pics for you and I do expect an apology. Not so much for calling me out, but for the simple fact that you claim that this "is impossible". I'm living proof that it's not.

Thought I might add, my wife has left me becuase of the amount of time this sport is taking in my life. Between being here in the office. Reading every journal posted on anything to do with bodybuilding and actually working out, preparing my meals, cycles, etc... She no longer supported me and she is out the door for this simple fact.

Hopefully you have some kind of understanding as to my dedication to this sport.
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I dont think anyone questions that you "have made remarkable progress in 9 months".....we are just saying 50lbs of straight up muscle mass?!?! come on.

Also, no one questions your dedication to the sport. Alot of guys are single because of this lifestyle. Im just as dedicated as you, even though I dont use as much stuff as you do. Doesnt mean Im gonna put on 30 40 or 50 lbs of lean mass in 9 months.