Strength Depositions, Episode 20


Stage Pro

Strength Depositions 20: Josh Bryant. Josh was the youngest person to ever bench press 600lbs raw. He is one hell of a lifter and a strong sonuvabitch, but also one of the top trainers on the planet. His client Julius Maddox just pressed 705 raw...

Strength Depositions 20: Josh Bryant. Josh was the youngest person to ever bench press 600lbs raw. He is one hell of a lifter and a strong sonuvabitch, but also one of the top trainers on the planet. His client Julius Maddox just pressed 705 raw. He is a writer on as well as has an amazing youtube channel under Josh Bryant or Jailhouse Strong. As if that isn’t enough, Josh also is the author of several books on Amazon such as Jailhouse Strong, Keto Built, Built to the Hilt, Metroflex Gym and Powerbuilding Basics plus his new book Grapple Strong, just to name a few. We really enjoyed this podcast because of the wealth of knowledge that Josh is. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give to you, Josh Bryant.

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