Stupidest things you have seen in a gym...

So let me see...

Some I can think of:

There's a retired physician who trains at my gym. He's about 150lb, abouut 6'2". He routinely bench presses 225lb with a 2 inch (at MOST) range of motion - sets of 2 to 3. Essentially no arm movement - BARELY bending the elbows. At the bottom of the "range of motion," he is within millimeters of actually requiring some muscular strength to lift the bar. On each rep, you can see the bar slow, his arms shake and the weight JUST BARELY reverse direction and snap back into his hyperextended lockout.

He's not a powerlifter and refuses to do these in a powerrack with some safety bars. Most sets are without a spot.

Being an all-knowing M.D., he refuses to change his ways. I am certain that the day is not too far off when he is seriously injured.

This guy is seriously stupid.
There is a guy who trains in my gym for 4 - 6 hours at a time. He will spend an entire afternoon in the gym. 40+ sets with almost no weight. Most sets are done unilatererally while having a conversation, or watching the TV when possible.

The guy has a pretty good physique and would look damn good if he trained a little smarter.
Anyone doing the "Superslow" training system. First time I saw it, there were two guys next to me, both outweighing me by 30-50lb. I was curling what they were squatting.
A 200lb grown man lying face up on a Swiss ball, doing Pec fly's with 5lb dumbells.
Pec fly's STANDING UPRIGHT with the 3lb DB's - squeeze those pecs!!! LOL.
Anyone doing SIDE BENDS to melt away those stubborn love handles. ;^)
The Kung Fu master guy who kicks in the air between sets.
Women (sorry, only seen women do this) doing leg presses with 5lb plates.
Short sets of standing calf raises with body weight. Come on - why in the HELL would your calf muscles grow from that?...
A guy reading the paper while doing leg extensions

All for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later. LOL.

sweatmachine said:
I saw a guy eating a sandwich while doing leg extensions once!

hey maybe he's a hard-gainer and just wanted to get a few more calories down!
Hey KR! Are you picking on hard-gainers? I pack a lunch, a protein shake and a dozen donuts when I go to the gym. LOL!:p :p :p
I saw a guy doing squats in the smith with 3 plates on one side a 25 on the other. Fricken bar was at least 2 inches uneven.

Another time at the same gym I saw a very impressive thing that turned funny. There was a kid who looked to have MD or some disease that affected muscle control. The kid had to use crutches to walk and his legs had a withered look. But his upper body was pretty ripped and strong looking although not exactly huge. When I got to the gym he was putting up a valiant effort on the treadmill but he was having a hard time with his legs keeping up. He was really holding on the handles hard for balance. After he finished that he walked(using crutches) over to the dip apperatus. He grabs on and proceeds to flip himself upside down and do dips with his legs going straight up in the air. It was really pretty amazing. But then he got stuck and fell-which was funny but you couldn't laugh.
Centaur said:
Hey KR! Are you picking on hard-gainers? I pack a lunch, a protein shake and a dozen donuts when I go to the gym. LOL!:p :p :p

Maybe I'm one of these guys...

I drink a weight gainer shake with 1700 - 2000 kcal (2000 is my record) DURING my workout - legs or not.

Take 1 ABB XXL drink (1100 kcal, 50 g protein)
2 MRP's - 600 kcal, about 90 g protein
A little fiber, maybe some glutamine for kicks and some creatine (using mine up).

Start drinking it when I get to the gym and am pretty much finished when I'm done training.

DISCLAIMER: Do not try this unless you've worked your way up to it. You will puke on leg day. Well, unless all you do is leg extensions...

Centaur said:
Hey KR! Are you picking on hard-gainers? I pack a lunch, a protein shake and a dozen donuts when I go to the gym. LOL!:p :p :p

bro you are hardly a hard-gainer!! LOL
In fact you tend to piss me off with how well you respond to all my bits and pieces of training and supplementation advice! BASTARD!!!

"The bro's car was a 76 honda civic-yellow-and a stick shift. Roger had the car running, forgot it was in first gear, went to get out of the car. When he let his foot off the clutch pedal, the car jumped forward and crashed through the big plate glass window of the gym!!!LOL!"

You gotta press on the gas and let off the clutch at the same time to make a car like that go. There is no way that car would have moved an inch just letting off the clutch if he was getting out of the car.......

Just something I noticed....

But since this post is about dumb shit we see at the gym..

Here's a few I've seen..

I saw a guy reading the newspaper on the leg press machine and he had 20 pounds on the thing... He sat there for 10 minutes reading his paper doing little girly reps with almost no weight as I sat there waiting for him to get off.....

I've seen some new guy come into the gym with a brand new adidas track suit on with sweat bands and everything including shiny new white shoes. Anyhow, this guy picks up the TEN pound dumbells and starts curling them and he's grunting out each rep as if he was curling 75's...... It was ridiculous.....

Saved the best for last though............

This really annoying guy kept talking on his god damn cell phone to his friend about how hot his new girlfriend was and how awsome the sex was with her. He wouldn't shut up about going to the clubs and gettn' drunk etc.... Anyhow, he put his cell phone down on the ground and went to get a drink of water. One of the bigger guys in the gym noticed this and picked up 100 pound dumbells and did a set of presses on the bench right beside his cell phone, just as the guy walked in, he dropped the dumbells on his cellphone and smashed it, then looked up and said, Oh shit, was that your cellphone? You shouldn't put it on the ground next to the bench man..............

ha hahaha, I was laughing my ass off! :D

Seriously, what's wrong w/ doing weighted sidebends for obliques? I do these and I gotta tell ya, when I first started I already had strong abs but my sides were still sore for a week. There was poo-poo talk of sidebends in a previous thread too. Everyone should know by now that nothing gets rid of lovehandles except a clean diet but IMO sidebends are excellent for strengthening obliques.
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I was coming around the corner and people were coming from both sides and i hear pills fall(heard it plenty of times)as i round the corner i see this guy with both arms out like he just dropped a contact out of his eye leaning over telling people to stay away,he was guarding that little space like a linebacker or a crackhead who just dropped a rock.
lol, there are always two to three gay guys working out, some of u might not even find it funny by reading this but the way they dress and workout is just hilarious, its amazing. lol pick shirt bleached hair. doing the steppers for like 2 hours staight