T-3 usage


New member
Have you ever heard of or you yourself used T-3 sporadically. For instance you are dieting and have a moment of weakness and eat a big mac. You get home and take a little T-3 to offset what you just ate. Would this work?
Without and facts to back it up I would think this would be a bad idea, especially at a high dosage. Ive always heard ramping up and down is the best.
Alwayslearning said:
Have you ever heard of or you yourself used T-3 sporadically. For instance you are dieting and have a moment of weakness and eat a big mac. You get home and take a little T-3 to offset what you just ate. Would this work?

THIS is a ridicious statement. NO that will not work. whoever told you this is smoking crack.
Re: Re: T-3 usage

QueenofDamned said:
THIS is a ridicious statement. NO that will not work. whoever told you this is smoking crack.

Agreed... this will not work.. first time I heard that ever- people using T3 to compensate for their bad eating habits...
Re: Re: Re: T-3 usage

mmx2 said:
Agreed... this will not work.. first time I heard that ever- people using T3 to compensate for their bad eating habits...

thats almost as bad as using DNP to diet on:rolleyes:
Re: Re: T-3 usage

QueenofDamned said:
THIS is a ridicious statement. NO that will not work. whoever told you this is smoking crack.

Bump this.......

T3 are not a product to take light......
There are 2 different ways of taking them - the pyrimde cycle (6-8 weeks) or the 2/1 cycle (2 days on / 1 day off - for longer durations). Either way works well! But your way is just Bizzar...

Thats My 2 cents
lol at this whole thread.

Supplements should never be used in the manner in which you described. You shouldn't of ate the big mac in the first place if you were going to feel guilty about it later or even worse if you're supposed to be on a diet.

The only way to reverse what you just did is vomiting...lol...and I wouldn't advocate that as a way to "offset" what you just ate.
BiggerStronger said:

The only way to reverse what you just did is vomiting...lol...and I wouldn't advocate that as a way to "offset" what you just ate.

LOL....bulimic body building
franconian said:
I believe it takes 2-3 weeks before the t3/t4 even starts to take effect. so just eat the burger and throw the buns ;)

cytomel kicks in immediatly, but will not "burn up" the burger you just ate;)

(as mentioned above, the only thing that does that is the "bulemic diet":D )

it's half life is alot longer than 8 hours though, it's more like 12 or 14 (don't quote my numbers;) )