Test e & LGD

Quads & calves today. Threw in some barbell shrugs too. Just wanted to go, go, go! Was soaked in sweat & squats were brutal, but I couldn't hardly wear down.

Ended up doing 6 sets of squats, with a drop set on last set. Did 315 × 12. 2 rep increase from last week. I'm gonna be sore as shit tomorrow!

Btw, forgot to add before the changes in my sleep. Since the beginning of this run, I have been sleeping much better, on most nights. Sweating like crazy at night too! Anyway, just adding that because I forgot to mention it before
Quads & calves today. Threw in some barbell shrugs too. Just wanted to go, go, go! Was soaked in sweat & squats were brutal, but I couldn't hardly wear down.

Ended up doing 6 sets of squats, with a drop set on last set. Did 315 × 12. 2 rep increase from last week. I'm gonna be sore as shit tomorrow!

Btw, forgot to add before the changes in my sleep. Since the beginning of this run, I have been sleeping much better, on most nights. Sweating like crazy at night too! Anyway, just adding that because I forgot to mention it before
Ok sleeping better with sweating is from growth hormone and igf release from body. Deep rem sleep bro!
Elevated levels of testosterone causes this.
Now they claim that we don't build tolerance...
Bullshit because I gotta now do tren to experience this hard sleep and sweating.
But the way I sleep like a baby on tren.
My anxiety from it is during day not at night!
Enjoy it brother because the body adapts or builds tolerance don't care what study says.

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Ok sleeping better with sweating is from growth hormone and igf release from body. Deep rem sleep bro!
Elevated levels of testosterone causes this.
Now they claim that we don't build tolerance...
Bullshit because I gotta now do tren to experience this hard sleep and sweating.
But the way I sleep like a baby on tren.
My anxiety from it is during day not at night!
Enjoy it brother because the body adapts or builds tolerance don't care what study says.

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Alright. Not surprised. Body seems to build a tolerance for just about everything. I hardly ever get deep sleep like that, so I am definitely enjoying it. Considered throwing igf in, in a week or so. If the test is increasing igf & growth hormone, would it be needed? Assuming it would still be very effective, but thought I'd ask anyway
Alright. Not surprised. Body seems to build a tolerance for just about everything. I hardly ever get deep sleep like that, so I am definitely enjoying it. Considered throwing igf in, in a week or so. If the test is increasing igf & growth hormone, would it be needed? Assuming it would still be very effective, but thought I'd ask anyway
MC Igf had me sleeping so good I wouldn't even get up to pee.
U gotta understand the gear makes my prostate to where I gotta pee 5 times a night normally.
I pee at work leaving and gotta pee again on way home but to the point I hardly can pull on side of road and take it out!
But on your question igf will benifit u best in post cycle.
On gear or not it will do what it does.
U gotta understand growth factors or slow process.
But igf will go down in post cycle and after.
Nolva in pct lowers igf so any added would aid.
I stopped mine for now but will start again during cruise!
My advice is used it in post cycle and on off cycle!
Gear will only help these new cells grow faster but they will always remain once # of muscle fibers increases they will always remain and even if u stop working out memory of muscle will return when working out and fibers increase and cell # within fibers with igf

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Was so nice out, I hit the trails today. Love working out outside! Walked for a couple miles, with some pretty steep hills. Had a set of pull-up & row bars too, so I knocked out a couple sets after the trails. Felt like I still had a lot of energy to do more, but the chick I was with did not lol. Was a good day & felt great
Today is the start of week 7. The test is getting more noticeble every few days. My sleep has been great & so has my energy & pumps. Motivation through the roof today!

Did deadlifts, leg curls & seated calf raises today. Went up to 405 on deadlifts & I couldn't believe how I pulled it up with ease for a couple reps. Very slow, controlled movement too. I expected big gains on squat & deadlift for the simple fact I haven't been working them long, but the strength gains are exceeding expectations.

Eating better now as well, than I was the first few weeks. Protein intake has been increased. Huge plus too that I am noticing no unwanted sides either! Well, I sweat like crazy during sex & the woman I have been seeing doesn't care to much for that, but oh well
Tomorrow will be the start of week 8. I am pushing my workouts as hard as I can, until the point I am completely fatigued & half sick. Have added more sets & reps & doing lots of drop sets & super sets in almost every workout now.

Decided to put arms on a seperate day. With the increased amount of volume & intensity I'm doing now, they were not getting hit hard enough. Today was my first bi's & tri's day. Was an awesome day & intend on keeping my routine the way it is now.
MC Igf had me sleeping so good I wouldn't even get up to pee.
U gotta understand the gear makes my prostate to where I gotta pee 5 times a night normally.
I pee at work leaving and gotta pee again on way home but to the point I hardly can pull on side of road and take it out!
But on your question igf will benifit u best in post cycle.
On gear or not it will do what it does.
U gotta understand growth factors or slow process.
But igf will go down in post cycle and after.
Nolva in pct lowers igf so any added would aid.
I stopped mine for now but will start again during cruise!
My advice is used it in post cycle and on off cycle!
Gear will only help these new cells grow faster but they will always remain once # of muscle fibers increases they will always remain and even if u stop working out memory of muscle will return when working out and fibers increase and cell # within fibers with igf

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Man, I wish that was the case for me, as their aint too many things worse than having to get up in the middle of the night to piss, lol,
Man, I wish that was the case for me, as their aint too many things worse than having to get up in the middle of the night to piss, lol,
It helped me sleep and good. I felt tired a lot on it during the day.
I am taking a rest and will start again soon! My lats really grew noticeably and I pinned them.
I will do it with MC sarms in June!

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I will most likely start the igf in a week. Haven't decided if I should add it to this log or do a seperate one. It will be at the end of this cycle & most of it will be part of pct.
I will most likely start the igf in a week. Haven't decided if I should add it to this log or do a seperate one. It will be at the end of this cycle & most of it will be part of pct.
Do a separate log!!
MC products are exclusive to muscle chem and we owe that to this board to say the least.
I will do a log on my lgd with igf
And another for osta following that one!!

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All sets for my back workout yesterday were super sets. Consisted of 9 sets & than some..

Pull-ups ss pull-overs 2 sets
Lat pull-downs ss cable rows 2 sets
T-bar row ss wide reverse grip cable rows 3 sets
Dumbbell rows ss neutral grip pull-downs 2 sets
Still had some gas left, so I did lat pull-down machine ss wide reverse grip cable rows, no rest back & fourth until there was nothing left.

Pumps were fantastic! Will probably keep my back routine like this for a while.

Ate this today. Was goood!! Probably take a couple days to burn it off though..

Anyway, workouts still going well. Every routine consisting of super sets & drop sets. Motivation as high as ever & I feel like working out all the time. Feeling an all day pump too.
Hit some quads & calves today. Did not do as much as planned, but what I did went great. Happy with myslef for sticking with weight I can do 12 times, instead of shooting heavy to see where my strength is at.

Also, been a rough couple days because I made some shitty decisions with my diet & had some drinks. Jacked my bp up way to high. I have been careful & it was a reminder to stay on top of it. Kind of a wake up call though & so I plan on showing some more discipline outside of the gym.
I got to go in & hit the weights today in early evening & I love doing that. My body seems to respond better to training at those times too. Not sure why. Usually have to fairly early because of work.

My aggression & intensity in general (especially at the gym) are as high as they've been. It's not like the guys I've talked to on tren, but it is very noticeable. People laying around on the gym equipment, texting on phones & people that come there to socialize is a MAJOR issue now! I just butt in their conversations until they get the hint. Gf doesn't care for it. She says I am to aggressive without the test, but oh well. I am getting it under control..

Hit back today with a lot of sets, including ds & ss. I got some pics this evening too, while my back was still halfway pumped. Will post them soon
I got to go in & hit the weights today in early evening & I love doing that. My body seems to respond better to training at those times too. Not sure why. Usually have to fairly early because of work.

My aggression & intensity in general (especially at the gym) are as high as they've been. It's not like the guys I've talked to on tren, but it is very noticeable. People laying around on the gym equipment, texting on phones & people that come there to socialize is a MAJOR issue now! I just butt in their conversations until they get the hint. Gf doesn't care for it. She says I am to aggressive without the test, but oh well. I am getting it under control..

Hit back today with a lot of sets, including ds & ss. I got some pics this evening too, while my back was still halfway pumped. Will post them soon
Brother testosterone is king of aggression!!! The king!
It's when u mix two strongly androgenic roids that it gets more intense to a point!
Tren makes me so much different i only unleash aggression in my comfort zone! Lol!
Test is plenty aggression when I get mad and go off I foam from the mouth thick white spit all stuck even on my cheeks from hollering!
Every so often I got to show up to work and say I lost my voice from a sore throat!
I love good old test.
My next run will probably be just Test!
So much easier and less complicated!

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