Testosterone Undecanoate - 250mg/ml 10ml/vial EP from PSL

I've always liked deca, but I've been wondering why PSL's deca is only 250mg/ml? Most every other place has it at 300mg/ml, and I'd prefer it in that dosage. I realize there can be more PIP with it, but I've handled it before. The only stuff that ever gave me way too much PIP pain was a 400mg/ml testosterone that I had from the old Genxxl years back. Now that was some badass stuff.
I've always liked deca, but I've been wondering why PSL's deca is only 250mg/ml? Most every other place has it at 300mg/ml, and I'd prefer it in that dosage. I realize there can be more PIP with it, but I've handled it before. The only stuff that ever gave me way too much PIP pain was a 400mg/ml testosterone that I had from the old Genxxl years back. Now that was some badass stuff.
I think if they had a higher demand for 300-400'mg they would do it send them a email requesting it I sure it can happen
I take undecaonate testocaps for TRT, so i'm not on a huge dose. I only go through 1 box per fortnight of 60 - 40mg caps, approx 160-200mgs p/day, (i could easily double that but i need to make them last & can't give blood work with test levels that high).
Maybe because i was living with low test levels for i don't know how long & i wasn't making gains easily at all, i just thought that was normal for a natty, especially because i'm getting older.
I have heard of many others that have tried a cycle or 2 on Andriols & they say they either didn't get enough or it costs too much or they lose gains after coming off etc...

Firstly, i think a lot of these people haven't really had enough personal experience with it, also maybe not taking it on full stomachs which is basically a must for proper absorption. Also, coming off a cycle of most roids you will lose some gains. I suppose i'm lucky in a way that i'll never have to come off & if these started not working for me, there's other drugs/options i can choose. I'm not really looking for the roid affect but i do hope to get some kind of 'edge' & i'm positive that i am getting some gains from them. I'm not against taking roids, (orals or injectable doesn't bother me). I've done a few cycles over the years but nothing too major & nothing i stayed on for more than a few months, the only reason i haven't been on anything & not taking more now is basically the money!
In Australia, Andriols used to be on a 'Government Prescription Benefits scheme', so they were only $6.00 a box which was great. Now they have been taken off & i pay nearly $40.00 & i'm not rich, i'm on a budget!
I'm not like a young 20 yr old & going to f#@k my future life up. I'm 40 & have done a few different cycles & roids over the years. I've never competed or even trained religiously, i enjoy working out & don't want to wreck that enjoyment by competing.

1 more thing... i never take what i read in a forum as being gospel facts & truths but i do ask people for their opinions or advice & then go & research or try to learn more about whatever someone might say. So, i'm asking if anyone knows much about TRT & knows of another type of drug that may be a better option that i could ask my doc about. I know about Sustanon, that's pretty old school & i'm sure their must be other & maybe better ones out their now.

Sorry for the long Novel, just look at it like freshening up on your reading skills lol.

Very nice! How much did you finally settle on and how often? I am going to start using Test-Und after my doctor appointment near the beginning of next year.
you just saying that or do you know your doc really smokes up? lmao,
Really it's all he talks about to me and Woodstock and fleet wood Mac concerts then he wants me to educate him about gear for about 20 mins every time we talk he tells me to smoke pot for my pack pain