That hard grainy look ? How do you get that look ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
ok so this is pretty much a vets question. as some of the newbi's prob dont even know what im talking about.

but how do you get that crazy hardness, or grainy adrogen look like Dorian Yates, or the late Munzer ? Is it just dieting down even more, to a leaner state, or is it a combo of drug's with the right anti estrogens. or a combo of both diet and gear ?

i remember as a kid watching Jason Arntz train in World's Gym, at Columbus, Ohio for the Arnold Classic. He was so rock hard, and grainy looking it was sick. I mean he looked just crazy hard, had a crazy androgen look or just different than everyone around him. There was other pro's in there to, but man he was just so hard and grainy...His skin was so thin, and all his veins just stood out, even his skin color was different...Totally different than anyone in there at that time...
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I think it has to do with everything, thin skin is pretty much a must though. But dieting down and drugs are going to play a big role. It makes you wonder though when you see guys look grainy and hard even when they aren't near a show
I dont have a real good answer chris,lol, sorry but I do know jay and know he is pretty scientific about things, so maybe he has some secrets we dont know about,lol.
I dont have a real good answer chris,lol, sorry but I do know jay and know he is pretty scientific about things, so maybe he has some secrets we dont know about,lol.

He has said in the past (he has the edge that's why he is the best)
When jay set me up he really pushed using primo 10 weeks out and then adding masteron in the final 6 weeks.

He said the primo along with provirion and dex will help Elimnate mist water before taking a water pill.
Also suggest halo but couldn't get my hands on any.

Even in the off season he's Rock hard, so it's hard to tell with him. We gotta ask puffy jay cutler how he goes from balloon to freak in 10 weeks
I asked the same question on a different site...people came up with, a combo of genetics (ofcourse), diet and gear...the combo for gear seems to be

tren ace or hex
(that is for the anabolics, no test, no hgh)

cytradren (anti E)
letro or arimadex
diuretics (the last few days, but some guys will go all week, or even longer/ from what I hear)
no fat, no water, with anabolic muscles = grainy. Its all about getting in shape.
I LOVE halo... best stuff out there IMO... gave me more strength and gave me a dense, dry, hard look; however, my temper was ridiculous while on it...
hi guys im new here, but am fresh off the stage 2 days ago, that grainy look u refer too has alot to do with yr condition to be rite down comp lean then water/sodium and the right combo of certain elements like, arimedex, halo, and other agents, but it can be achieved even without duiretics believe me...but some say overuse of slin gives u a thick skin making it that much harder to achieve..
I hardened up very nicely with masteron after running test, eq, anadrol, tren a. I used it the last 2 weeks and I was as solid as stone. Not grainy, but then again I wasn't dieting down, just doing a lean bulk
At least for me it has to be a perfect storm. I can't over diet or over deplete because then I can't fill out. You definately need things like Masteron, Proviron, Tren, and next time I'll try Halotestin. I tried dieting down to nothing and I didnt look grainy or hard at all. I'm sure it's a science for most. It is for my trainer. At 12 weeks out she wants to look at me daily. She is also a fan of GH straight through the show and you can't argue with her results.
What about using igf instead of gh? Hell how do we even know were buying gh not just hcg!? Lol thinking tren ace igf primo mast
GH is easy to test for HCG. Squirt a little on a pregnancy test. If it shows positive you're the owner of some highly overpriced HCG.