the devil is back

Hey bro! First of all, my condolences. Sometimes life can be too damn hard on us. But hey, although it's very cliché, after the rain comes the sun bro! Hang in there. I wish you lots of strength and may all work out for the best for ya!

Second, a very big virtual 'welcome-back-handshake' ;) great to see you again.
Man I always thought poo poo's avatar was funny. I miss seeing that around.
kossdeh said:
missed you guys. I see most of the bro's from last summer are gone and theres all sorts of new mods. Congrats to the good dudes that have been promoted.
I'll be around more often now. Looking forward to hearing from all the new faces.

let's go out on a date. you look like my type. Ziggy's back 2. Welcome and Zigg Heil!
hiya kossdeh! :)
I remember your avatar *lol*

It sounds like your true strength has been put to the test lately.
I'm sorry your grandmother passed & I have a pretty good idea what you're going through with your mom right now.
A friend of mine developed testicle cancer {middle 20s..check your balls while you're down there playing guys ;) could save your life} and he went through 6-8 weeks of chemo.
His gf really set me off because she avoided him thinking she was going to 'catch' something from him.
It's a very crummy thing for the person going through it and definately very hard on their loved ones.
SoOo if you ever need to vent, don't forget you have a board full of friends here ;)
this is awesome. all the good bro's are back!!!!!
I hadnt seen some of you guys around for a while. This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Poopoo with his old avatar, even just for a post. MBkiller, CE, and Stefke, I missed you bros.
Welcome back, bro! Sounds like you've been going through some rough times. I'm sure things will pick up here soon.
Helll yea we missed ya Now that I'm back let me get some sun on my skin and I should really get things cranking here gotta snap out of the winter blues yet.