The girl's past...

11 - was that in one night?? Seriously, I am just like you. Bro., you dont want to
know. My wife, she dont trip on my past. Me, on the other hand dont even want
to think about her with someone else. I think she was 25 when we met so she had
been around. (not nearly as much as me) If she ever said anything about past guys
I would feel that anger/rage, or whatever that is, come up. We been married 16
years and that NEVER comes up. The couple times she would start to bring up something I just would tell her I didn't want to hear it becuse it will bring up my
jelousy (spell??). That is my(and sounds like your)insecurity. I realize it and it was all BEFORE she meet me. It isnt brought up and I dont trip if it's not thrown in my face.
We get along great and are best friends. If it came up even today I think I would want
to hunt those fuckers down and kill them and say "what a ho". (I know, I'm working
on my anger issues) Lil Bro., the past was "BN" (before nair) and dont loose something
that could be good because of your insecurities. Be like me and dont face them. LOL
(also use that "it will bring up my jelousy" as a point on how much you care about her.
should get you points and get the point across to her) Just my opinion
good points gentleman well chalk up another tally on the list last night tagged another. This one wasnt fat though actually pretty damng ood lookin So i gotta put her in another column lmao.
Body, good points. I always tell my wife she was the first. We both know I'm
full of shit but I dont give anything up. Dont give up your past - she may not
have a problem now but it will come up later. Good call. (If my wife knew what
a dog I really was I would still be paying for telling her)
mcgaret said:
Body, good points. I always tell my wife she was the first. We both know I'm
full of shit but I dont give anything up. Dont give up your past - she may not
have a problem now but it will come up later. Good call. (If my wife knew what
a dog I really was I would still be paying for telling her)

lol, I do the same. "Just you baby, just you." :D

as for NAIR, I have the same fucking problem. I quit asking "hookup" chicks but to me, if my g/f was a hoe, I need to know about it. Call me insecure...yea, I'll buy that. But Im been in groups where one girl is a hoe, and is dating someone "outside" the group. I feel sorry that he dont know his girl is a hoe, I know she didn't tell him.