Tips on hiding AAS use from the wife!

my wife knows because im blind in right eye and have very low vision in left eye.she helps me load pins and helps me stick to make sure I go in stright and asperate..My GF knows and loves it when im on because all i wanna do is have her ride the pony at least 4x a day. Im hoping that someday you all that have to hide your use will be able to be honest and open enough with whomever you are with. Im lucky , but I do hide it from my 2 sons until the day they ask me stright out if i use then ill tell them the truth in my own way.
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Baby Cakes said:
it didn't have anything to do with being a do-gooder, I just hear so many people bitchin' about their relationships all the time that the point I was trying to make was that if you're not compatible then stay single or find someone else :p

I accept your apology. Let's be friends.
ok this is what i do.. a dry shave the side of my leg to help hide the dart marks and i'm 6'7" and she's 5'8" so i just put everything on the top shelf of the bathroom closet where she would have to get a ladder to reach it...
here's a shitty situation. i'm going back to college in the fall and i'm going to start cycle. a ten week eq/test cycle.....anyways. when i come home for like thanksgiving my parents are definately gonna know cause i was small (not really though) when i left...but now i'm huge...i dunno, i'm still trying to figure out how to hide this one
I'd stick it in a lawn mower bag. There's now reason for her to ever look there. Or put it in a tool box and lock it up.
LMAO...Auri, I was hiding until about a year ago, then she found out! What a mess... I ended up compromising by saying I'd stop after my show in July (which is now August). I said stop (meaning take a break). She HEARD quit, meaning forever. Hmmmm.... Then I got the ultimatum that if I did them again it would be the end of our marriage. Looks like I'll be hiding it again.

to be continued....
an old time safe with working keys - - but she thinks it didnt come with keys and was a "nice thing to buy" and "it looks nice even though we can't open it" - - (It's fu*king ugly!) - but holds everything, pin boxes and all. Ahhh... a married man's mind at work.....
IsnulinAl.....tell your parents that you've been eating like a horse at school and you've been taking creatine. I love using the creatine excuse.
Assteriods.....if you read your post you are one lucky fella. You have your wife inject you and your girlfriend rides you all day long!!!
And Babycakes.....are you sure you aren't being a little nieve?? 5'10" 300lbs @12% and he is natural???
BStrongBwell* said:
..I said stop (meaning take a break). She HEARD quit, meaning forever......

That's true alot of the time,BSBW .... It's funny how estrogen can cause the female mind to twist words like that......:D Good thing Test doesn't have that effect on us. ;)