Told the girl about my "habits" tonight

hey that's a good idea Glen-I've had buddies tell me about the teddy bear thing never tried it though and a bodybuilder one on top of it-you know that's something that she'll never get rid of
Do you guys think a custom made body builder teddy with a needle sticking out of his ass would be funny??

or do you think she'll fail to see the humor in it?
NormalSucks said:
Do you guys think a custom made body builder teddy with a needle sticking out of his ass would be funny??

or do you think she'll fail to see the humor in it?

Only if its holding a 20ml bottle of test :laugh:
glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor through this all bro... how is she handling it? has she come around anymore?
let her know that AS is not as bad as they are made out to be. There is alot of bad criticism about AS floating around out there. i just told my girl that it was like taking tylenol.. Its only bad for u if you abuse it.. kinda like ephedrine.. went pretty well with her.. hell its worth a shot
She actually has come around..... She's even able to joke about it. Although, now she says im not getting any while im on... so, we'll see.

Thanks for being there guys.
why wouldn't she give you any while you're on? is that her way of trying to get you to stop? or does she think you're going to pass on some kind of side effects to her??? lol
NO... Lol. She just still doesnt approve. And she said that now she understands why im so ruff with her sometimes... Lol. But she did say she liked it ruff, that she's never been fucked like that before... so, I think she's just talking smack.

My next cycle is going to be a big bulker... Adding anadrol to the mix... so we'll see if she truely has a problem, since it will be more noticeable.
the sex is one of the main reasons the girls I've been with sooner or later come around to being okay with it.They love the benefits of juice just as much as we do!!
Bro, I mean no disrespect what so ever to you or your girl. But why the hell did you tell her? If she caught you after she moved in then so beat deal with it then but NEVER put yourself in a spot where you can be looked down upon. Not only that but if she does leave you . You can be sure she will tell her friends why and they will tell others and that will get the ball rolling. I will never tell any girlfriend, even if she will become my wife. This is where I whant you to understand what I mean no disrespect, just trying to make a point. But, do you siriously think that she has or ever will be honest and tell you EVERYTHING she has done be it how many sex/drugs or what ever? NO!! Women are never honest why should you? Even if she does stay you will be screwed cause she will always rub it in your face specially if you are in a bad mood or argue with her. Never tell again and good luck.
elmo- I know what your saying. Read what I said on the post "do you keep this from your spouce" this is the first chick i've been honest with. I've lied about the bruising, aggression, sex, zits, sweating, increased size, for our whole relationship. But, Its become something that I just cant keep up. Specially since I dont see an end to my abuse. I dont know how people get away with it when there living together.
tell her it's B12 shoots that's what I did-yeah it'll piss them off but hey guess what-to be honest with you-YOU don't even know if your really doing roids
have you taken it down to the lab lately? could be vegetable oil :pleased:
damn that stuff works good :satan:
You guys arent going to believe what happend this morning. I actually convinced her to do a b12 injection.....

Can you believe that?? what a crazy turn of

Tell you more and why later.
wow i dont believe you haha thats nuts maybe things are taking a turn for the better lol.
damn it man does she have a sister? it's impossible to find a girl that's understanding about the whole bodybuilding lifestyle (maybe if you live in Cal.) :confused:
She has real bad depression and when she has her period, she gets very down, very lethargic. It sucks cause everything I say, she puts a negitive tone on. I know everyone thinks this is normal, but I have to tell you... I've been with a lot of women, and she really takes a tumble.

OT and mikeswift actually suggested that I inject her yesterday. But honestly, with her fear of needles I thought she'd never do it. Anyway, I striked up a conversation about b12, and all the benifits. I said i was going to do an injection today. She said, "I should try that" -joking at first. So after the b12 discussion, I brought out 2 slin pins, did on in my shoulder and said - see no big deal.

So she said ok, put her hands over her eyes and I drew one for her. Her arms are very skinny.. but, I gave her a shot in the middle delt muscle. She felt a little sick at first cause of the fear of needles, but began to come around within a couple hours.

Its not like she's bouncing off the walls, but she did seem in a good mood all day. Her periods last for 7 days, and I guess this one is a big bloody one... So I do think the b12 will help.

In my eyes- this is one step closer to having her do my injections for me!!!
fuck yeah NS your on the right track when you figure it out write a book and make some money-all these fucking bipolar whores I've been with have the blanket attitude that hey why waste your money on juice when you could spend it on me-fucking losers