too much protein?


New member
latley ive been having TERRBILE gas problems and i dont even take that much protein in..50g shake (with some olive oil in it), u-turn bar, grilled chicken

and my diet has a multivitamin and consists of things like oatmeal

any suggestions?
ive heard of people taking 350+ and NOTHING..what is this?
get some digestive enzyme tables and dump those crappy U-Turn dog biscuits - Get some Tri-O-Plex bars and some MRX from Schwartz.
You speak with out knowing young grasshopper.

Once you go Tri-O-Plex you never go back - ask around this brd.
Tri-o-plex tastes better too I think. They taste like food rather than too sweet candy. (ick) The others I've tried taste like cattle feed.