Training Enhanced vs. Natural Bodybuilders | Inside the Mind September

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Training Enhanced vs. Natural Bodybuilders

By Milos “The Mind” Sarcev

Q: It’s been said that your training protocols are only effective for enhanced bodybuilders and would be a terrible idea for natural athletes. Do you need to be on PEDs to see good results from the giant sets? And does it make sense to take intra-workout carbs if you’re not using insulin?

A: How about using myself as an example? I trained naturally for the first seven years. Many others like Ronnie Coleman and Kai Greene trained naturally for years before they touched steroids. Nowadays, many guys start using them from day one in the gym. Do you think I radically changed my training program once I started using steroids? No. It never crossed my mind to do that. I was already maximally stimulating my muscle fibers, and my nutrition, supplementation and recovery were optimal. Now I was just introducing maximal anabolic pharmacological potentiation.

But let’s also look at elite athletes from the Olympic Games. Some are beating drug tests, but I believe most of them are training and competing naturally. These people train for six to eight hours a day. Michael Phelps trained for seven hours a day, seven days a week to be the greatest swimmer of all time.

Many natural bodybuilders argue that you can’t train with the level of intensity I advocate and practice with my athletes. They say it’s overtraining and you need to scale it down to be able to recover. They believe less is better. But I don’t train natural bodybuilders any differently than enhanced ones. They may not be as strong, but the intensity is the same. Some of the natural athletes I’ve worked with are actually the hardest trainers! I trained a drug-free bodybuilder from China who I trained twice a day, six days a week, and he shocked me with how intense and incredibly strong he was every time. He was using heavier weights than ever before because he was determined to give his best with me.

Too many naturals have the belief/excuse that they are inferior because they lack that extra anabolic support, which is their choice. Stick to your choice and be proud of it! If drug-free athletes maximize every aspect of their training, nutrition, supplementation and recovery, their bodies will adjust to even the most intense workouts.

As for the intra-workout carbs only being effective if you’re using insulin, you must take in adequate carbohydrates to maintain glycemia. But how much glucose/glycogen do you think you burn up in one hour of intense weight training? It’s around 100 and in some cases closer to 200. Taking in fast-acting carbs while you train will cause your pancreas to release insulin, which in turn causes a tremendous increase in protein synthesis signaling. I recommend doing this so your body doesn’t dip into its glycogen reserves. It’s like a savings account you don’t want to touch. Naturals should especially utilize intra-workout carbs for an extra edge because they don’t have that anabolic support from AAS. Without it, you’re not optimized; you’re compromised.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Q: I follow your recommendation for keeping ample carbs in my diet for energy, especially around training. But, with the popularity of diets higher in fats, what is your opinion on the ratio of omega-3 vs. omega-6 fats I should be eating?

A: Two of the most important fats are alpha-linolenic or OMEGA-3 fatty acids and linoleic or OMEGA-6 fatty acids. Yet for me, I do not have a “best ratio” of omega-3 to omega-6 fats. I do believe in taking higher amounts of omega-3s, from their natural sources like fatty coldwater fish, flax/hemp/chia seeds and green leafy vegetables or from omega-3 supplements. I use Omega JYM from because in just 4 softgels per day I am sure to get ample amounts of the three important omega-3 fatty acids: DHA, EPA and DPA.

Can’t Rush Muscle Growth

Q: Dr. Tony Huge had a “Mass Blast” contest over in Thailand to see who could gain the most lean muscle mass in two weeks using high doses of AAS, GH, insulin and peptides. Can a person actually gain much muscle in just two weeks, or would the gains be fat, water and extra glycogen in the muscles that would be lost soon after?

A: I don’t know Tony at all, but it sounds like a very bad idea. High doses of everything is a stupid approach. Steroids were invented to be healthy, to promote anabolism in situations it is needed for survival such as muscle wasting or burn victims. I will say that when I started many pros using insulin years ago, many were gaining 30-40 pounds in the first month. Since our bodies are 70% water, that was not all lean muscle tissue. Still, I never had any of them using high doses of AAS or GH. Some of them were using five times what I would personally use, and I would cut their gear in half or less. The fact is, you can load up a muscle with glycogen and water and see fast “gains” in terms of fullness, but actual muscle growth is a longer process that can’t be rushed no matter how high your PED doses may be. There is never a reason to run extremely high doses.

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Training Enhanced vs. Natural Bodybuilders

By Milos “The Mind” Sarcev

Q: It’s been said that your training protocols are only effective for enhanced bodybuilders and would be a terrible idea for natural athletes. Do you need to be on PEDs to see good results from the giant sets? And does it make sense to take intra-workout carbs if you’re not using insulin?

A: How about using myself as an example? I trained naturally for the first seven years. Many others like Ronnie Coleman and Kai Greene trained naturally for years before they touched steroids. Nowadays, many guys start using them from day one in the gym. Do you think I radically changed my training program once I started using steroids? No. It never crossed my mind to do that. I was already maximally stimulating my muscle fibers, and my nutrition, supplementation and recovery were optimal. Now I was just introducing maximal anabolic pharmacological potentiation.

But let’s also look at elite athletes from the Olympic Games. Some are beating drug tests, but I believe most of them are training and competing naturally. These people train for six to eight hours a day. Michael Phelps trained for seven hours a day, seven days a week to be the greatest swimmer of all time.


Many natural bodybuilders argue that you can’t train with the level of intensity I advocate and practice with my athletes. They say it’s overtraining and you need to scale it down to be able to recover. They believe less is better. But I don’t train natural bodybuilders any differently than enhanced ones. They may not be as strong, but the intensity is the same. Some of the natural athletes I’ve worked with are actually the hardest trainers! I trained a drug-free bodybuilder from China who I trained twice a day, six days a week, and he shocked me with how intense and incredibly strong he was every time. He was using heavier weights than ever before because he was determined to give his best with me.

Too many naturals have the belief/excuse that they are inferior because they lack that extra anabolic support, which is their choice. Stick to your choice and be proud of it! If drug-free athletes maximize every aspect of their training, nutrition, supplementation and recovery, their bodies will adjust to even the most intense workouts.

As for the intra-workout carbs only being effective if you’re using insulin, you must take in adequate carbohydrates to maintain glycemia. But how much glucose/glycogen do you think you burn up in one hour of intense weight training? It’s around 100 and in some cases closer to 200. Taking in fast-acting carbs while you train will cause your pancreas to release insulin, which in turn causes a tremendous increase in protein synthesis signaling. I recommend doing this so your body doesn’t dip into its glycogen reserves. It’s like a savings account you don’t want to touch. Naturals should especially utilize intra-workout carbs for an extra edge because they don’t have that anabolic support from AAS. Without it, you’re not optimized; you’re compromised.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Q: I follow your recommendation for keeping ample carbs in my diet for energy, especially around training. But, with the popularity of diets higher in fats, what is your opinion on the ratio of omega-3 vs. omega-6 fats I should be eating?

A: Two of the most important fats are alpha-linolenic or OMEGA-3 fatty acids and linoleic or OMEGA-6 fatty acids. Yet for me, I do not have a “best ratio” of omega-3 to omega-6 fats. I do believe in taking higher amounts of omega-3s, from their natural sources like fatty coldwater fish, flax/hemp/chia seeds and green leafy vegetables or from omega-3 supplements. I use Omega JYM from because in just 4 softgels per day I am sure to get ample amounts of the three important omega-3 fatty acids: DHA, EPA and DPA.

Can’t Rush Muscle Growth

Q: Dr. Tony Huge had a “Mass Blast” contest over in Thailand to see who could gain the most lean muscle mass in two weeks using high doses of AAS, GH, insulin and peptides. Can a person actually gain much muscle in just two weeks, or would the gains be fat, water and extra glycogen in the muscles that would be lost soon after?

A: I don’t know Tony at all, but it sounds like a very bad idea. High doses of everything is a stupid approach. Steroids were invented to be healthy, to promote anabolism in situations it is needed for survival such as muscle wasting or burn victims. I will say that when I started many pros using insulin years ago, many were gaining 30-40 pounds in the first month. Since our bodies are 70% water, that was not all lean muscle tissue. Still, I never had any of them using high doses of AAS or GH. Some of them were using five times what I would personally use, and I would cut their gear in half or less. The fact is, you can load up a muscle with glycogen and water and see fast “gains” in terms of fullness, but actual muscle growth is a longer process that can’t be rushed no matter how high your PED doses may be. There is never a reason to run extremely high doses.


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