Training for my 1st show - bikini

Hey guys here's a pic from yesterday. I'm 4 days out today and super excited! I'll post a more detailed update tonight.

Wow you are looking amazing and yes exbeanpole is one lucky guy. I would love to get my wife into working out more. Good luck with the show and keep us posted
Very hot girlie! I honestly don't know how you do it with kids. Last year when I was dieting I felt like I didn't have time for anything and we don't have kids! I know your hubby helps out a both are very lucky and make a good team! Have you taken the time yet to look at your before and after pics? You're almost there :)
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the nice comments! :D It has certainly been a long hard journey to get to this point, to say the least, one that has been well worth it for sure as I see my physique coming together as it is! You think you know what you are made of until you start doing this. Pushing myself and the restraint of the dieting and everything else mental that goes along with it...I'm certainly better for it physically and mentally. My hubby has been a HUGE inspiration and tremendous help, not to mention an awesome hubby too! His support has been so wonderful...who else would decide to join their wife and endure the horribleness of this dieting and training themselves in support? I think probably not many! :pleased: He is owed more thank yous than I could ever say! So...I guess I'll just have to reward him in other ways! :satan: LOL;)

BUT...with that said.....I'm not done yet! I still have some work to do. I just finished training for the day and now have one training day left tomorrow then two days of cardio only and then....SHOWTIME! :D Been pretty much drowning myself the last two days with water to flush and will prob start cutting water tomorrow and start carb up Thursday morning. Then of course the girly stuff like pedicure and nails did. LOL :) So...we are close folks! YAYYY! Superduper excited if you can't tell! LOL:p
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the nice comments! :D It has certainly been a long hard journey to get to this point, to say the least, one that has been well worth it for sure as I see my physique coming together as it is! You think you know what you are made of until you start doing this. Pushing myself and the restraint of the dieting and everything else mental that goes along with it...I'm certainly better for it physically and mentally. My hubby has been a HUGE inspiration and tremendous help, not to mention an awesome hubby too! His support has been so wonderful...who else would decide to join their wife and endure the horribleness of this dieting and training themselves in support? I think probably not many! :pleased: He is owed more thank yous than I could ever say! So...I guess I'll just have to reward him in other ways! :satan: LOL;)

BUT...with that said.....I'm not done yet! I still have some work to do. I just finished training for the day and now have one training day left tomorrow then two days of cardio only and then....SHOWTIME! :D Been pretty much drowning myself the last two days with water to flush and will prob start cutting water tomorrow and start carb up Thursday morning. Then of course the girly stuff like pedicure and nails did. LOL :) So...we are close folks! YAYYY! Superduper excited if you can't tell! LOL:p

Well thats all that really sticks out in my mind! LOL!!! Luckeeeeeeeeee lmao

Good luck Lil Lifter! And Hopefully you guys can get some show pics also. Very very Impressive!
Just curious how the show went? and was hoping to see some pictures?
Hey guys I wanted to give a quick update for Lil Lifter, she got really sick 24 hours after the show so she's been down and out. Nothing like being exhausted and depleted and then getting sick, and even worse she only got one high calorie cheat meal before she went down.

She competed in the novice, open, and masters. It was a huge show with over 100 bikini girls and 300 total athletes. She made the second call out in all three divisions and we're still waiting to find her exact place for each div. She looked AMAZING and totally ROCKED the stage! She looked like a vet up there! I have some cell phone pics I was going to put up but she wants to wait until tomorrow when the proffessional pics are up and available for download.

I couldn't figure out what the judges were looking for because the first call outs in each group were so varied. They'd call a petite girl out then a thicker more muscled girl so I couldn't get a feel for their reasoning. Having said that the pics don't lie and we'll have plenty up in the next day or so. I couldn't be more proud of her! She's very pleased with her presentation, performance, and the body she put on stage. She's chomping at the bit to get back in the gym, add some more lean muscle, and do another show. She had a blast and it showed on stage.
I know it was awful, I felt so bad for her. Yes she does! She had a blast! She's on a mission to fill out her physique a bit and get back on stage. We'll get some pics up ASAP but you can see some on She finished 6th in the novice class B, 7th in open class C, and 8th in masters (this one was a real stumper).
I just found a really good pic of her on MD!


Still looking for a good money shot (ass pic!) though. LOL :laugh: