UPDATE on my progress


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just coming on here to give you guys an update. I ve been busy, with work, and clients. So its tough to get on MC and spend time to post. But, I just wanted to update on whats going on. First off, I was on a great cycle, making gains really well. I was sitting around 265lbs, but then got the flu/stomach virus. That took a week to get over, and my weight dropped to 250lbs. Well, its been a solid week back, actully 10-11 days. My weight just got over 260lbs again. Im hoping to get back up to 265lbs. Then slowly start the process to lean up again. Anyway, the goal is master nats or master north americans. But we will see. Here are a few candid shots. Just upper body. Ill try to get some full shots here in the next few weeks, once I feel like everything is back on track. I do feel a tad flat in these pics. But, Im coming back pretty fast...
Looking thick Chris. That flu nailed Silk too. I managed to make it through and didn't get too sick. Work has been kicking the snot out of me lately too. I need to learn to just keep my mouth shut Lol!
Glad you're up and running again! It's been a rediculous winter with bugs going around. That peak in the one pic is pretty damn impressive!
nice pics brutha! I like the first pic, looks sick! But yeah the arms peak in the last one is nuts!