we all started IGF at same time

I am 4 weeks into it and lost 10 # without contest dieting eating clean foods and strength went up till this past few days at 115 out now at a standstill. Still able to pull the wt but a lot of aching now
you lost 10 lbs? my diet is clean and i am still up 3 lbs after 2 weeks. doing cardio and everything. if I lost 10 lbs, I better have lost 5% bodyfat as well with it!

Onyett did you lose 2.5 lbs/week or how did it space out?
The first two weeks I lost the most then it started dwindling. It was mainly diet and cutting the carbs down but still not counting calories like contest dieting. Also I had increased the cardio to 4-5 days a week but easy cardio tried to save energy to lift heavy. I held off for one day a week to have some m&m's. Going into my 5th week now and still at 10# had to increase the carbs a little as I am getting weaker and drained also really hot here 110-118. Last night at 7:30 it was still 110 out.
z28stud97: I forget, did you post what your routine and diet looks like?

give us an update.
its really tough on this IGf, I have to eat significantly more carbs that I normally would. I hope it doesn't hinder my results.
Here is a quick update on my experience. Again started 40 mcg on the 5th. After couple weeks I saw no real changes. On the 17th I switch to another vial and felt an almost immediate difference. Buy the 22nd I felt physically better. Yesterday the 23rd I tried to flat bench for the first time in almost 2 years. (I only do close grip declines anymore do to shoulder problems) even though I was only able to get to 315 before I had problems that is about 200 more than the last time I tried. Before I literally could not bring the bar down to my chest. I have to admit that it felt good to bench again. I do hurt right now but it’s well worth it. I can’t wait till Friday bench session. I don’t know how much is in my head but I would have to say, if it was just mental I would have felt it on the first vial. There is a definite difference between the two. Also endurance (like others have said) does seem to be picking up. I will update again in a week. Side note: I have been applying to shoulders ed for the past 7 days.

Z28stud97 you know that if it would work every guy we know would be secretly ejecting it to the most abused place of all! "Joking"
I dont notice cause of all the eca's. I dont have much of an appetite. Looks good though, only diffrence between yours and mine is im a little more tight on the carbs.
ah cool normal, if I don't eat enough carbs on this stuff, my brain doesnt function too well. besides, I like carbs. They will get cut down once I am off this stuff and continue to lean out.

Well tomorrow is week 3 and my first bottle is getting lower. with my 60mcg, and 2 bottles, it looks like I am going to get 8 weeks out of it. I cant wait to start taking my 2nd bottle. maybe I will get that same rush celtics did.

3 weeks isn't a long time at all. Even when people juice, it still takes 8 weeks to get good results. although i have seen some small changes, I cant wait to see what the next 5 weeks have to offer. so far I have noticed my legs get a little tighter, and vascularity improvements in arms. My friend is coming down to see me in 2 weeks so if she says anything about my body when she sees me with my shirt off, then I will be pleased!

"yea Celtics there are people doing it! they are crazy!!!"
Have you noticed crazy pumps?? I used to take as much as 100mcgs... It was hard to run cause my calves would swell up so much.
yes, but i take my dose after my workout and im only taking it once a day. I did notice one day i had the most intense arm pump it was rediculous. But when i work out, the IGF levels in my body have diminished because my last dose was nearly 24 hours before.

are you doing the same?
No, I have a wife and kids. Makes it hard to do my applications unless its in the morning.
yea, you will probably get more intense pumps than me. I would take it 2x/day but I dont feel like poking myself twice a day. Once is already enough. I might do that on my next cycle. I do like taking it at night, but I do notice I will get very very hungry a few hrs later. and luckily im sleeping.

I just ate a roast beef sandwich and some whole wheat crackers and damn it, I cant wait to eat again in 3 hours!
I have to eat carbs at night because I have late workouts. Usually 6:30pm. So I always drink my myoplex immediately after my workout.
Anybody experience arm pain both sides up and down???? At times it is real bad and others it feels like exhausted muscles. IGF really dropped my blood sugar today felt real bad like passing out in this heat. Got a cold regular coke and within 15 min my head was clear and felt lots better.
i get tendonitis right in my right arm. there is an oil called kwan loong oil which really helps its a chinese medicine. I think i spelled it right. costs like $4. I need to get some more of that.
normal they say after 4-5 weeks IGF isn't as effective or stops working. I have never ran it for more than 4. What do you think about this? Any loss in effect after the 1 month mark?
Presser says he gets his best results after 6 weeks. I am going to run it for 8. I am currently 3 weeks 2 days in. Look at the polls for best results.