We need an 'eye candy' section for the ladies

If such a man exists... than let me know and I will consider becoming gay

Are you claiming that you don't possess...

Inner strength ~ thinks for yourself rather doing things because your friends are egging you on.

has a 'do it right the first time' attitude ~ you prefer to do things right so you can move onto other things.

humor ~ you're not funny or crack jokes?

intelligence ~ comes in many forms, not just the academic type.

independant ~ you don't need to be attached to someone's hip in order to do everything.

flirty with people of all ages ~ you've never told that grannie with titties hanging down to her waist that she looks marvelous?
Or smiled a lil girl as she skips by {not in a pervy fashion either}

sexappeal ~ talks with a twinkle in your eye.

active ~ not a couch potato.. an outside adventurer.

quick to smile ~ already known.

golden heart ~ you prefer to leave a mile of smiles over a trail of discontent.

snugglie ~ you don't think it's appealing feel soft hugging and warm arms wrapped around you...
.. making you all warm & fuzzy inside?

Which one doesn't describe you?
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Badgermoon said:
Honestly, I see a lot of me in that description, and believe me, that is not what women are looking for. Trust me.


Maybe I've been outta circulation longer than I should *lol*
What are women looking for, badger?
MacGyver said:
Sachet said:

SoOo I'm a MacGyver fan because he can take any house hold product & blow up half a city street.
Why do you like that show?

Oh Sachet.....hurting me where it really counts....my username :o

I'm sorry..
Actually, I have no clue what I've said wrong..

And I've no idea why I'm laughing right now.
I don't really know what they're looking for.... seems to change a lot. I think my ex wanted a cruise ship entertainment director :D. At least someone different than me. :(
Seems a little presumptuous of me to tell a woman what she wants in a man anyway. I get the feeling at times she just felt I was beneath her socially.
I'm sorry..
Actually, I have no clue what I've said wrong..

And I've no idea why I'm laughing right now. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well to me it looked like you were mocking me because of my username. But if you weren't, then lets just move on.

aww.. well, I was given a marriage ultimatum when I was twenty.
Needless to say, three years later & I'm still single :D
It hurts for awhile, but there's too many people out there just waiting to meet ya.

If she was giving you 'vibes' at times that you were 'beneath' her socially, would you really want to stay with someone so superficial anyway?

Well to me it looked like you were mocking me because of my username.

When I wrote '*lmao@MacGyver*' .. it was because of the comment you made to stefke about him being anxious about finding nakey photos.

Nope, nope.. I don't feel the need to mock anyone about anything..
Sorry for the misunderstanding.. I'll hafta get used to using that 'quote' option so I don't make the same mistake again.
The next person might not be as nice!

But if you weren't, then lets just move on.

Yep, okay :)
You're right Sachet, but there's a lot more to it. One of those things that seems more like a movie plot.
July 14 '99 three guys at work die in a crane collapse. A week of funerals. Two weeks later someone I had had a crush on at 15 and never forgot about comes into my life. Get married and divorced in less than 3 years. Was seperated and held on for almost a year. Now I found out that my first wife has cancer. Just was able to at least make peace with her. I gotta tell ya, I'm ready for this roller-coaster to slow down a little.

OK, done venting...
Sounds petty when I think about people with real problems...sick kids ect.
babysiren said:
This thread changed completely on how it started at this: "We need an 'eye candy' section for the ladies"


Well, we may as well use it to chitty chat on ;)
I came across a post of yours in Stefke's nakey forum {from back in September} in regards to some eye candy being posted for the women here & I thought.. hmm it STILL hasn't changed!
Evidently, this is a 'guy site' & most 'guy sites' cater to the guys who would normally be on surfing for porn.

You wouldn't happen to know a good fitness site that's a tad more balanced in that respect.. would you?
It's not that women are looking for nakey guys to gawk at when they come to a 'fitness site'.
Most already have their favorite sites book marked for eye candy.
It's just the principle of the thing..

OK, done venting...
Sounds petty when I think about people with real problems...sick kids ect.

Well, it doesn't sound petty to me..
It's something that's affecting your mental well being & that controls your physical well being.
You've already been married?! *yikes*
As far as your ex wife having cancer... do you mind me asking where they've found it?
If it's found soon enough, her chances of recovery are soOo much greater than you can imagine.
Yes, I've been married. I liked being married. I am one of those people that really enjoys close companionship, sharing, all that. It was like being in love with my best friend. Operative word being "was"
My first wife has skin cancer and cancer in her mouth, and the doctors believe it is also in her lungs, poor thing. We had a rather hurtful (for me) divorce, but I don't wish for bad things to come to her. I am concerned about our kids, I know they must be worried too. Well, thanks for the concerne and well wishes. Really helps, even though I don't know anyone here personally, I've grown to feel like I do have some connection. Lots of very good people here unlike a lot of these kind of things.
Be well and stay safe.
Sachet said:


Well, we may as well use it to chitty chat on ;)
I came across a post of yours in Stefke's nakey forum {from back in September} in regards to some eye candy being posted for the women here & I thought.. hmm it STILL hasn't changed!
Evidently, this is a 'guy site' & most 'guy sites' cater to the guys who would normally be on surfing for porn.

You wouldn't happen to know a good fitness site that's a tad more balanced in that respect.. would you?
It's not that women are looking for nakey guys to gawk at when they come to a 'fitness site'.
Most already have their favorite sites book marked for eye candy.
It's just the principle of the thing..


What are you looking into for a fitness site, more for female fitness or for the male model section?? I'm also in the process of putting up the male model section for the ladies..I'm thinking of starting it next month, since October is already almost over..I'd rather save the hotties I found..;) for next month..kind of like something for the ladies to look forward to..:)

What are you looking into for a fitness site, more for female fitness or for the male model section??

This site has basically anything you could ask for in the way of fitness.
I'm sure every other female that logs on here looks at the eyecandy forum & goes 'umm' too.
I just happen to be vocal about it because if this is a unisex site, then we shouldn't feel left out :p {Principle of the thing}

I'm also in the process of putting up the male model section for the ladies..I'm thinking of starting it next month, since October is already almost over..I'd rather save the hotties I found..;) for next month..kind of like something for the ladies to look forward to..:)

I am now officially your number 1 fan!
Another of my favorite YuMmY lollipops :p
I loved him most in Meet Joe Black.

midwtchamp said:
DAmn my pics are in the member's forum....damn am I not enough?!!! LOL

Okay then.. lemme go take a peek ;)

~What is 'clomid'?
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