Went to a new doctor...

May sound stupid...but I firmly believe you should ALWAYS be 100% honest with your doc. They aren't there to judge you...they are there to help you...in theory. Of course...you can take your own blood and ship to have blood work done...they will mail you the results to your house.

My response was, "wow you are straight to the point" So I told him that for purposes of discussion I would not entertain his question, and will not allow this to be written in my chart, however if you were to test my blood (because he was going to anyways) then you might see some spikes in certain areas"

So he gets a smile on his face and says, well if you are taking "Creatine" or something that would "spike" your levels, and your levels are off, and you choose to continue, then well you are.... (and he completely pauses)

So I say "an idiot" to which he says, "I never said that" and we both laughed...

Long story short he was cool with it and we got it out of the way off the record...Now what would you do being put on the spot??
I'd say that was rather rude, but at least it worked out in the end.
They are suppose to help but many have God complexes and dont. There are some good ones out there who really care but it is getting harder and harder to find them.
I would have said run the blood work and tests, if theres a problem we can discuss whats not important right now. Pretty douchebag way of meeting you and just blurting that out would have pissed me off a little.
Im going to an endo know as "dr.feel good" just to avoid these problems. Im not straight with my doctor, i dont want him saying anything to my wife.
They are suppose to help but many have God complexes and dont. There are some good ones out there who really care but it is getting harder and harder to find them.

That is so true, especially for a lot of the doctors here where I live. I had to go to California to find a doctor who would actually listen to me.
most basic bloodwork wouldnt prove anthing. basic blood work doesnt include AAS drug testing or even your test levels.
Sounds like a pretty cool Doc if you ask me. Now see if he can prescribe you test and you'll be all set.
I think you make a good point...when traveling a lot I'd see a doc here or there and they'd be very uppity and just wanted to rush me out the door.

Think the trick is to establish a "family doctor"...meaning find a doc who has a good personality...and stick with that doc. When you get to know each other the doc, hopefully, will feel more responsible for your health...and give you more personal attention.

They are suppose to help but many have God complexes and dont. There are some good ones out there who really care but it is getting harder and harder to find them.
I see two different doctors for different ailments, i will never tell them about using aas. Just me, i go to them for things that arent related to juicing so i dont feel the need to discuss that part of my life with them.