What are your goals?


MuscleChemistry member
Do you have any short term or long term goals you are training for?


Short term: To have a great offseason by bringing up my weak bodyparts.

Long term: As of now, is to win the overall at the Southern States and then the Jr. USA's next year. :gold:
I want to get back up to 180 first, then move up to 200 for the short term, long term would be to win the overall NPC Pittsburgh in the next 2-3 years
I'm going to compete in a RAW Powerlifting meet in DEC in the 242 division. I want to get 420 on bench, 600 on squat and pull 700 on deadlift.

offseason: get my weight up to 260 while staying some what lean to avoid having to diet my ass off for 20 weeks lol

this coming season or nxt: win the NJ state title
short term- get drunk and laid tonight

long term- reach 240lbs
Short-term: Find some good porn to yank it to

Long-term: Be 202 @ 3%-4% bf; own a few houses; have a strong career; have a few girl friends on the side
Short term: top 180 for the first time in my life

Long term: beat Nuk and Dude at the Southern States ;)
short term: go to the gym tonight
long term: compete next year at a shredded 225 ...currently at 238 12% 6'0
Short term goals - get up to 270-275lbs half way lean (at 265lbs now) make some big time improvements on my back thickness, chest thickness, arms bigger (up to 20 1/2 cold) ...

Long term goals - win my state show again, and do one more national level show...(north americans ?)
SHORT term - Bench Press 400lb. before the end of year..Long Term - get up to 260lbs.
Short term: Drop some body fat and feel better about myself
Long term: Maintain a lean (8%) 225-230
Short term...win the novice overall at the Texas state in a little over two weeks.

Medium term....get to 260 this offseason..(previous high 245) and place top 15 at the jr usa's next year.

Long term top 10 at a pro qualifier by the time I'm 30 (27 this year)
Haven't really set any short term goals. Body weight is giong up, lacking muscle groups are improving and no serious injuries. Everything is moving in the right direction. Have really worked on learning how to eat and train correctly this past year and it is really starting to pay off. Wish I would have done this 10 years ago.

Longterm goal: Weigh in at a solid 250