What is the most steroids you have taken at one time.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
For me it's four. Test. Tren. Clen. Proviron. I like the synergy of taking multiple compounds vs. one or two at high doses.

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Test, dbol, decca, eq, proviron as far as compounds but as far as qty, this same stack about 3 grams a week. Never felt shittier, couldn't fucking move let alone tie my shoes. Now I only keep eq or decca and keep it low.
test, eq, and dbol test was 750 eq 500 and dbol 60ish. Not too bad.
High doses just make me feel like shit. Back pumps, water retention. Swollen feet and hands, oily skin, short of breath, high BP and heart rate. Doesn't hardly seem worth the added water weight. some guys get away with it. I figure I just don't need as much to get what I'm looking for. I have a sweet spot in the range of 800 - 1200 mg/w total AAS plus pepetides. Favorite cycle are/were

Test/Winstrol/Masteron 300/300/300 all injectable
Test/Eq/NPP 300/300-500/300
Test/Primo/Var 300/400/280

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GHRP-2 300 mcg/d and lr3 50-75 mcg/d or DAC 1000 mcg/w.
High doses just make me feel like shit. Back pumps, water retention. Swollen feet and hands, oily skin, short of breath, high BP and heart rate. Doesn't hardly seem worth the added water weight. some guys get away with it. I figure I just don't need as much to get what I'm looking for. I have a sweet spot in the range of 800 - 1200 mg/w total AAS plus pepetides. Favorite cycle are/were

Test/Winstrol/Masteron 300/300/300 all injectable
Test/Eq/NPP 300/300-500/300
Test/Primo/Var 300/400/280

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GHRP-2 300 mcg/d and lr3 50-75 mcg/d or DAC 1000 mcg/w.

#2 looks bad ass. I really want to try npp. I haven't used decca in a long time, I toe the line between the "strong fat" look and just plain fat look on decca lmao.
Test Cyp, Deca, EQ, and Dbol gained about 30 lbs 187 to 217 and I stayed 217 for 3 years when I decided to start cutting. Cant remember why I was taking deca and eq
test, dbol, tren, and proviron

can't remember the dosages but they were high and I always felt like shit