What is your number 1 petpeeve in the gym?

I have a ton, but I'd say my #1 pet peeve would have to be the little fuckin cage fighters shadow boxing in between sets. I've been a martial artist for going on 18 years now, and actually plan on getting back into mma soon. I could probably easily take on 99% of the pussy ass excuses for fighters in this area, but I never feel the need to put it on display that I am a fighter by shadow boxing in between sets. These fuckin retards that are all tatted up and wearing their "Tap Out" or "Affliction" shirts drive me up a fucking wall.

Have a couple guys in my gym who do this, drives me crazy bro.
hot women that think EVERONE is looking at them ALL the time. sometimes eye contact is unavoidable and im just trying to be polite by nodding. Maby I should just give the evil eye all the time to everyone.
Or kids in the gym. DAAAAAM
I have a ton, but I'd say my #1 pet peeve would have to be the little fuckin cage fighters shadow boxing in between sets. I've been a martial artist for going on 18 years now, and actually plan on getting back into mma soon. I could probably easily take on 99% of the pussy ass excuses for fighters in this area, but I never feel the need to put it on display that I am a fighter by shadow boxing in between sets. These fuckin retards that are all tatted up and wearing their "Tap Out" or "Affliction" shirts drive me up a fucking wall.

Same here , real fighters dont feel the need to showoff in front of people, I find it funny but still pisses me off when I see people do stuff like that. Especially because most of them dont even know what their doing.

Around here when new comers walk into the gym it can be there first day and they cant even hit the speedbag they leave feeling all confident
the biggest thing that bothers me is when im trying to superset and people actually watch me doing it and jump on my other machine knowing im going back to it

"ill just be a second" LOl ASSHOLE
That's awesome! I had a kid want to get in a squat rack when I was squatting. I had 405 on there and he asked if he could "hop in". Jokingly I said sure. He barely got it off the stops and then it just drove him to the floor. I thought it would be funny, but I ended up feeling bad. He got pretty badly hurt. The safety stop bars were there, but very low, I think his chin hit his nuts. Never saw him again. Usually my g/f helps to keep my temper in check.

Lmao that is too funny.