Whats is wrong with people


Hardly a Newbie
In Va. A 69 year old grandma dies. She was in a car wreak, with a F-350 and she died due to injurys. Now her son and her husband are suing Ford, and the driver of the truck. They are suing FORD for 550million dollars. Saying the bumpers on the truck are too high. Causing her to die.

This is some BS. I will try to find the artical.
damn people sue these days no matter what.

next time i get diarreah i'm gonna see if i could sue a fast food place for causing it LOL or better yet i will sue the protein drink company for causing it.
ttru story 78 year old go to the winabego dealer buys a rv .is driving it home and decides he wants a cup of coffee sets the cruise and get up it gos of the road and recks he sues winebago gets milllions of dollars and a new rv because it didnt say in the owners manual that he couldnt leave the steering wheel while driving . aint that the crazyist shit you ever herd.
i shit you not this was published in motor magazine at my work witch is a major car parts and repair zine.
ttru story 78 year old go to the winabego dealer buys a rv .is driving it home and decides he wants a cup of coffee sets the cruise and get up it gos of the road and recks he sues winebago gets milllions of dollars and a new rv because it didnt say in the owners manual that he couldnt leave the steering wheel while driving . aint that the crazyist shit you ever herd.
I've heard the story too.