Which one would you use

yes, it will still stay active for 14 days following, so its still active when you start the eq and allow that time and the tren enth will last for 5 days, this is a good idea IMO.

write it down and do the life of the ester and the effects, also look at the sides, and determine your dosage that way.

It will also allow you to do proper PCT and and ancillaries as needed, according to dosage required.
I'm confused, are you saying to start PCT while on the tren? I thought tren shut you down, so trying to rebound on it wouldn't work.
no, im saying know your dose so you can use enough pcts for that very reason.
gotcha. I like this idea, I usually follow my bulker with some primo then a cutter. This is kinda like doing the same thing, only no break with the bridge. I just might have to try it. However, I gotta have test in there, I might switch it up for prop but there will be some test so the tren doesn't turn me into a girl.
strider said:
no, im saying know your dose so you can use enough pcts for that very reason.
So it looks like this?

1-12 Test E, EQ
13-14 EQ
14-20 EQ, Tren E

the only confusing part is the PCT for me, run it at the end?(after half lives of course) or after the test cycle?...not sure

thanks strider
Strider why the 2 wk grap between the test and tren? also, since its tren E it seems as though it wouldn't be active for 2-3 wks so it would really only be working for like 3-4 wks, wouldn't make more sence to use tren acetate and get an extra few wks of action of it?
tren is 3 x's more androgenic and anabolic that test, so if you use it while on test you doing a grams of test, almost.
thats a lot of androgens in the system and that will harm the liver and your skin if you know what i mean.

the gap is allowing the test enth to clear the system, so only remote traces are left before using the next substance.
i was told that trenbolone acetate is only active for a short time as well, regardless of the ester since trenbolone is quickly broken down by the system.

but acetate is active for only 3 days so enthanate is active for 5-7 days.
chemically I agree since its the trenbolone ester you should be looking at not the enthanate ester the last ester only delays the breakdown.