Who is running myostatin blockers

I havent read through all the posts as closely as I should so if I missed the answer to my question already, please excuse me. I have read where bros are getting bigger, looking fuller and feel more pumped. How is your strength? Are you getting stronger on the myostatin blockers?

I have done plenty of IGF. It did make me stronger than any steroid ever has....however, I did have the intestinal gut growth. Lots of Igf receptors in the gut area. I havent done it in over 4 years and as low as my body fat is, I still have the protruding gut....that is my biggest side effect on the IGF anyway.
good question, i would imagine you would have to get stronger on it if ur adding the muscle. And you or atleast i havent heard of too many folks getting growth gut from IGF, is it really bad for ya brutha?