Who trains where ? Nice fancy gym or dungeon gym ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
What kind of gym do you guys train at ? Do you train at a nice corparate gym or do you have a nice hole in the wall gym that you train at ?

I train at Anytime Fitness in southeastern, Iowa..Its a nice gym with good equipment..Not hardcore at all..but there is a good group of gyms that are gym rats and train pretty hard...Then I have my old gyms in Fort Madison, that are a tad more hardcore, but still they have tone the gym down to get more women there...

the truth is the old hardcore gyms are pretty much gone....

I agree with the older hardcore gyms being nonexistent now. I train at an Aspen here in my city and it really is great. The weight area is huge the roof in this place is probably 30 feet high, i would call it a corporate, more hard core gym. Lots of business guys and gals but also the big weight pounders that we are. In the weight area they have two of these 20' big ass fans they really get the air flowing i love it.
We have Aspens here in Iowa to..There up in the citys and they are nice gyms...
We have Aspens here in Iowa to..There up in the citys and they are nice gyms...

Yeah i saw that on their website that they are in Iowa too they really are great. Always clean but not your average fancy gym.
The Golds I work out at is an average gym. Its clean, It has what I need and is close to home. They have dumbbells up to 150's and plenty of hot girls to look at while we lift. The staff is nice so no complaints there, I only wish they had 100lb plates for leg presses and deadlifs.
I work out at a corporate gym that was built for everyone including the big guys that was taken over by 24 hr so that means we still have the same equipment from before instead of the standard 24 hr Fitness equipment. Much better than a standard 24 hr Fitness because it's essentially the same gym just that the name changed.
College gym.....not too fancy but it gets the job done.....the dumbells only go as high as 100 and there are more machines than free weights so improvising is cool.....The weird thing iz from my freshman year til now the same crowd of guys I've been cool with that are hardcore lifters are always there whether its raining, snowing, 9 degrees outside....u can always tell the 'sometimers' who come in around january for spring break or stop coming around oct/nov when it gets cold.....its hardcore in the fact that they keep the ac off so in the winter its cold as fuck n summer its hot as hell.....
i train at anytime fitness in south central wisconsin....a couple of them in the area have some hammer strength...mine has nautilus.....i wish they'd buy some more 45lb plates and straight bars and maybe another power rack.....it sucks having to look like a jerk asking people to move to accomodate my training or even waiting an extra 10-15 minutes to get started on squats because they're benching inside it.....oh well, it's cheap and open whenever i need it!
I train on base, which is pretty damn decent. It's clean and new like a fancy gym, but you could pretty much get as loud as you want slammin shit around and no one says shit. I train at an anytime fitness in town and that shit is gay. It's owned by a fat lady and you have to be very creative to get a good workout there. It's pretty much designed to cater to the fat/old people in town. It's useful for cardio though, you can't really fuck that up.
i train at retro now for a change of pace... but my gym i train my clients at.... 6000sf, 3 to160lb dumbells... bent straight bars, rusty weights, dirty yet clean... ALWAYS get a better workout there, small yet motovating
I train at NYSC it blows everyway a gym could...I do like gettin the occasional workout in Jersey at Extreme
i train at anytime fitness in south central wisconsin....a couple of them in the area have some hammer strength...mine has nautilus.....i wish they'd buy some more 45lb plates and straight bars and maybe another power rack.....it sucks having to look like a jerk asking people to move to accomodate my training or even waiting an extra 10-15 minutes to get started on squats because they're benching inside it.....oh well, it's cheap and open whenever i need it!

Yeah whats the deal with Anytime not have benches and incline benches ?

that sucks :confused:
Yeah whats the deal with Anytime not have benches and incline benches ?

that sucks :confused:
well all of them near me have single adjustable benches and you can bench/incline/shoulder press in the power rack, but also the smith gets abused.....it's just a matter of training when it's dead and/or being totally flexible with what movement to train with instead of waiting
I dunno about the midwest but in this area anytime fitness are 24-7 & sometimes have no employees in them therefore they do not want to have any instances where someone gets caught under a bar with no spot
I dunno about the midwest but in this area anytime fitness are 24-7 & sometimes have no employees in them therefore they do not want to have any instances where someone gets caught under a bar with no spot

ya, they are only staffed certain hours, but the staff only sells memberships anyway.....lift at your own risk!