Who's experienced with T3?


New member
Just got some from IBE. Not going to start it yet, but will soon. I've taken Trimax with great results and heard that it's actually worse for you than the real thing.

I moved a couple months ago and haven't really been able to workout due to my new job. I'm just starting to get back into it, so once I'm on a roll again, I'm planning to take the T3--working up to 75mcg a day--with 75mg of winny a day. I haven't put on that much fat, but there's been a moderate gain of fat and a moderate loss of muscle. I'm freaking out.

Starting at 25mcg, I was going to ramp up by 25mcg each week till I hit 75mcg, then taper back down in 12.5mcg intervals for a total of 6 weeks. I'll use the standard PCT supps for this sort of thing.

Does that sound OK and what kind of diet should you run on T3?
looks fine to me. As far as diet keep it clean and do your cardio or you won't see much fat reduction. T3 is good but it aint magic. good luck.

is this your first time on T3?
Yeah, first time.

I used Trimax once in the past with pretty good results. I tried DNP once as well I think that the Trimax worked better. I'm hoping the T3 can at least match the trimax in terms of effectiveness.

I was going to shoot for ~2k cal or less a day. I was also debating what sort of diet to follow. I was thinking low carb, since reducing carbs slow usually metabolism, but with the T3 there would be NO problem with metabolism.

Would that be ok or do i need carbs to try to help save muscle? Maybe 100-200g a day?
You need to keep protein high when using T-3 or it will eat your muscle, also I would never drop below 100 g of carbs.
Personally Iprefer to use T-4 to T-3 it is faster acting and is not as harsh on muscle, I use it 10 days on and 10 days off, starting at 400 mcgs on day 1 and tapering every day until day 10 where you take 50 mcgs, has always worked well for me with no rebound effect during time off.
finephysique said:
You need to keep protein high when using T-3 or it will eat your muscle, also I would never drop below 100 g of carbs.
Personally Iprefer to use T-4 to T-3 it is faster acting and is not as harsh on muscle, I use it 10 days on and 10 days off, starting at 400 mcgs on day 1 and tapering every day until day 10 where you take 50 mcgs, has always worked well for me with no rebound effect during time off.
Just to be clear the dosages listed above are for T4 NOT T3. I would hate someone to drop 400mcg of T3 :crap:
yeah 400mcg of t3 would cause serious issues, i use t3 and you really should run test with it to conserve muscle loss exp at 75mcg ED. I have been interested in trying t4 to see the difference. And i have the oppurtunity so i may try that aboe mentioned cycle after i do alot more research though.
finephysique said:
Personally Iprefer to use T-4 to T-3 it is faster acting and is not as harsh on muscle, I use it 10 days on and 10 days off, starting at 400 mcgs on day 1 and tapering every day until day 10 where you take 50 mcgs, has always worked well for me with no rebound effect during time off.

T4 will do jack if the body is not defficient.

T4 gets converted to T3, AS THE BODY NEEDS IT. If the body doesn't neeed any T3, you can take truckloads of T4, won't make a difference.
If you have ESS (euthyroid Sick Syndrome), which is a very common thing, then regardless of how much T4 you take and how high the body's need for T3 is, you will not convert the T4 to T3 since you are lacking the enzyme to do so. SO, the only way is to use T3.

T3 will give you results. T4 only if you have a low TSH. Get a blood test done, see where you stand, then you know what to do and what to use.
So is 75mcg/day too much for a novice T3 user? And is it OK to run it (not at 75mcg the whole time) for 6 weeks at a time?

If I'm just going to be using a decent dose of winny (75mg), will 75mcg be too much? Would 50mcg be a better start?
I think so...75mcg had me burning up and sweating. Start with 25mcg's and work your way up.

I personally don't like t3 much.
My dog is using t-3 right now,...the results are great,... leanest ever and still have workin on gettin some more work done,.....My yeah,..protein intake has to be high,..and also you use in a cycle if possible....
Start with 25mcg for a week, move up to 25mcg's a week till you hit 100 tops bro. you have to cycle it or your thyroid can be shot. I know from bro's who stay on it long time and they are paying for it know. MM
What do you think of the way I do it?

2 days on, 2 days off

Working my way up to 100mcg/day T3

I've been running it like this in the past and can go for 10-12 weeks at a time and not have any effect when I come off. Plus it seems to keep it's potency the whole way through.