Why Water is Important for Bodybuilding


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Why Water is Important for Bodybuilding

Posted by admin, on <time datetime="2014-04-29">29. April 2014</time>

<figure class="entry-image" style="margin: 2.625px 0px 15.8125px; padding: 0px; line-height: 0; color: rgb(115, 115, 115); font-family: Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">
</figure>An often overlooked muscle supplement is plain old water. While it will not dramatically increase your muscle gains or lean you out, just try attempting these feats without enough of it. Dehyrdation kills your strength, endurance, and your drive to work out.

Muscle is over 70% water after all! The dramatic muscle swelling effects of creatine are due to it attracting even more water into the muscle cells. Water is also the main component of the joint cartilage and surrounding fluid which lubricates the joint. Heavy training stresses joints hard. Keeping them hydrated will cut down on wear and tear.
All of your body’s processes depend on water. It transports nutrients in and waste products out. It aids in the digestion of muscle building foods.
Never go into a workout thirsty. By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated to the point of reduced athletic performance. Your energy levels will be down. Weights and reps will be down and you’ll have a disappointing workout overall.

Try to drink an extra 16oz glass of water every 3-4 hours throughout the day, especially in hot summer months. Make sure you drink a glass before your workout and sip some throughout. It is best to drink about 3-4 glasses more than is typically driven by your thirst.
The best part of this supplement is the price. It’s free. Plain clean tap water is fine. You do not need to pay premium prices for bottled water.
As a free bodybuilding supplement, water is the king! It keeps your workout intensity high, your muscles full, and your joints healthy. Drink up!
