Yesterdays Show (NPC Bev Francis Atlantic States)


Staff member
Well we got there just for the night show and all in all it was a decent show, the kid from my gym came it 2nd in the light heavy novice devision and 9th in the mens open LH which had about 20 guys in it, so he did pretty well!

Cutler,coleman and dexter all guess posed and were offseason fucking huge and out of breath like a mothere fucker! but man were they huge!

Tryed catching up with jonflex and steph but they were no where tobe found,lmao, not even sure if they got tickets to get in unfortunatly?!?!

I will have the pics of show posted here shortly in this thread! overall winner was a light heavy i like to call Little martinez,lol.

anywas good show did anyone else attend this show? and if so please post some pics
I was there and it was fun, but these shows are too long. Ronnie Jay and Dex all on one stage was great. Ronnie was too sloopy though but then hey he's retired. A good time I'm sure was had by all
Seen some pics on a different site..Looked like a decent show..
i was there, hanging with Dave Palumbo by the RX table upstairs all night

its ok press, no love for me and steph :-(

Great show though, everyone looked great, i got to see the "Clueless competitor" steve... talk with Dave, meet Ronnie Jay and Dex, ate about 1000 grams of protein from samples :) and ended walking out with about $100 worth of supps :)

all in all i had a great time
damn i didnt get any free shit, wtf? lol, and i got nutin but love for you 2 brutha! i was outside at top of stairs for over an hour, i think u were someplace else near stairs,lol,
oooooo i was inside on the top of the stairs.... i was milking all the free goodies and was up all the pros asses before the rush of people.

i couldnt find you, between all the 280 lbs mass monsters walking around you just blended in i guess LOL
Outside?? We were inside at the top by the vendor room where Jay, Dex, Ronnie and the Rx crew were chillin'...

I'm beginning to think Press is a myth. He doesn't really exist, lol.
Outside?? We were inside at the top by the vendor room where Jay, Dex, Ronnie and the Rx crew were chillin'...

I'm beginning to think Press is a myth. He doesn't really exist, lol.

lol, i didnt see any of the pros where i was,lmao, im starting to think you two were at a different show then i was,lol
lol, i didnt see any of the pros where i was,lmao, im starting to think you two were at a different show then i was,lol

We've got pics with Ronnie, Jay and Mr. O to prove it! :p Ronnie even talked to Jon's buddy using his cell phone. I told him he can never get rid of that phone now! lol..
lol, i didnt see any of the pros where i was,lmao, im starting to think you two were at a different show then i was,lol

Victor Munoz told me today you meet there that day and you want another seminar at your friends gym, that is very good bro! lets do it!!!!
Victor Munoz told me today you meet there that day and you want another seminar at your friends gym, that is very good bro! lets do it!!!!

Oh ya forgot to mention I spoke to Victor Munoz breifly. Nice guy if he could only stop calling me "Joshua" instead of my real name "Joe" lmao. Tell him its not that hard to remember....One sylable is all, lmao

ANd yes friend of mine that owns the gym I attend wants to put together something like we had in New York but at his gym which is one of the only gyms in area where guys like us can realy get busy so his gym would be a great fit for another seminar or training day!
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