You know you've had a good workout when................

Scorpio, I hear ya. I actually collapsed in the floor at my house from hamstring wife said, "You shouldn't work out so hard." Gotta love her.......
When your back itches and u can't scratch it because your arms are too tite and u'r no long as flexible as u once where... now u'r at a constant search for a Chinese backscratcher (those sticks with fake fingers on them) to help scratch your back!!!
LMAO. I always keep the chinese back scratcher handy. I keep one at work and one at home! And today was leg day - the drive home was fun. I did ok with the brakes, since it was mostly anlke action, but the damn clutch! Just holding it in my leg was shaking like you wouldn't believe!
After doing arms you cant get the fork to your mouth with out shaking, causing the food to go all over the place
When your break room is upstairs at work, and you skip break and eat lunch at your desk.
leg workout.........when you walk down a flight of stairs, and your legs give out, and you pretend that all is normal even though you almost tripped and broke your damn neck!
when you get off the phone with people because your arm hurts too bad to hold it up to talk.

and when you can't give yourself shots in your glut because you lats and lower back lock up when you reach around.
That did happen to me josh. I had the shakes do bad that I couldn't even keep needle straight.