your harsh opionion is neede


New member
im only 16..5'11..and 170 lbs but so i want to know what you guys think of how everything it turning out. ive been hitting the gym on and off for about a 10 months. Howevr, i would like to know what you think i could improve on (there has to be something) maybe wider? more mass? im looking to get my weight up to about 195 than cut it down. once i start cutting down i will start doing ab. im starting to get a little bit of a gut becuase of the way im eating.

btw, can someone tell me whats wrong with my inner chest ( it seems like i dont have one, at least to me it does. maybe it will look better when im bigger? i do flies evey chest workout but that doesnt seem to be doing it. maybe its geneitc?or it could just be me being to hard on myself.

thanks again


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Can't tell what they look like, but don't neglect your back and your legs!

Chest looks good - I've always found that flys really add to the outer portions of my pecs. Dips, close grip bench, cable crosses - anything that really squeazes when your elbows are close together, seems to do well for inner chest.
your chest looks good for your age bro, pecs are a muscle that take a long time

overall pretty good, like al said don't neglect the back and legs. might want to hit the shoulders a little harder.

yea i do side and front lat rasies, and machine shoulder presses and ocassioanly bent over lat raises, and i hear that chin ups really widen you so ill try those
My suggestion, Eat, eat,eat, protein, protein, protein. Get some digestive enzymes. But for 16 you look good bro, I was slender at that age too.
You look good for 16....Your at a point in your life where you will grow like crazy for the next few years. Keep eating and keep the protien high like bleed green and scorpio said. Train smart and you'll get results you're happy with.
Yea u're definitley up there for a 16 year old. Not really feeling that nipple ring though. Lol, just messin with u.
Razo said:
Yea u're definitley up there for a 16 year old. Not really feeling that nipple ring though. Lol, just messin with u.

Man I didn't even notice that? You must really be eyeing his pecs bro..... LOL
Don't worry about gaining bodyfat if you're trying to bulk up....stick with basic compound movements and you'll get where you want to be