Tag: alice matos

Gym Crush: Alice Matos

Gym Crush: Alice Matos

Gym Crush: Alice Matos
Alice Matos is a 32-year old Brazilian bombshell. Alice is a complete package with a shredded physique, a beautiful face, and brains to go with them. Matos started taking working out seriously when she was 25 and has come a long way since then.
Alice’s washboard abs can put many gym regulars to shame. Matos is much more than an eye candy and has shown her entrepreneurial side by building her own fitness fashion brand, Labellamafia from the ground up.
Alice is not one of the internet fitness chicks. Matos has competed in Mr. Olympia Bikini division twice and placed sixth in her second attempt. Alice Matos shows no signs of slowing down and is working on improving her physique and business and is having fun while she is at it.
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Alice is frequently traveling to exotic places and is the perfect person to follow for people who have a thing for beautiful scenery and mesmerizing women. Matos is also not afraid to experiment with her looks.
The world is your gym and Alice Matos is the perfect example. You don’t need a treadmill or dumbbells to workout, determination and discipline are all you need. Commit to working out and you will surely have a physique like this Brazilian beauty.

Matos isn’t the serious type. She is willing to do silly things to get a laugh. Alice is comfortable in her skin and has no problem showing it off. God bless Instagram.

When was the last time you saw someone this hot walking down the road? We’re sure many guys stopped and appreciated what they saw on this day. Alice Matos has a symmetrical physique with virtually no weaknesses.

Alice Matos is a diva and knows her fashion. Matos can pull off wearing anything with ease. She has transformed her fashion label Labellamafia from a small business to a growing brand in the fashion industry.

Alice Matos could easily be in the next Baywatch movie. We wish the Baywatch team lays an eye on this Brazilian beauty. Let Matos grace the beaches of California running in her red swimsuit.

Building a butt like Alice’s takes time, hard work and there are no shortcuts. You need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone to transform your body. Every workout, set and rep counts in this long journey.

Your workouts don’t have to be boring. If you think cardio and ab workouts are long and boring, take a friend along and do something fun. Keeping it interesting will help you stick to your goals.

When was the last time you had such an intense workout? Alice has a low body fat percentage, all thanks to high-intensity workouts like these. Switch up your training regularly to see results.

Matos is the brand ambassador for her company and features in sassy commercials like these. The Labellamafia merchandise has a new take on the gym apparel and is certainly creating waves of excitement amongst girls.

Who is your gym crush?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

*Header and images courtesy of Instagram